Chapter 166: 5 White pieces

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After the group defeated Siegfried, Rias made Ajuka look at Erin's evil piece.The Maou laid a chess board on top of the table and placed the evil piece on the spot where the Knights are positioned. He activated a small magic circle and it seems like he is checking inside the piece. After a moment, Ajuka made a sigh of amazement.

“Hou, this is……”

“Did you find out anything?” asked Rias

Ajuka touches Erin's evil piece and said

"The mutation piece seems to improve even more. I couldn't exactly measure its power... but this is indeed interesting. The Traiana and Crimson armor must represent these new-found power surge. The combination power of Heavenly-Dragon and evil-pieces, the harmony spec that
surpasses one's imagination. It was worth checking her back then." he leaned his face onto his hand

"The phenomenon earlier was indeed interesting. …..Is her will directly
reflecting on the evil-piece?”

"So did you find anything else from the evil-piece…..?” Rias asks once again. Everyone in the ORC have their ears opened as they awaited Ajuka's response


A light shone on the chess board and the group stared at it cautiously. Ajuka maintained his calm expression but his eyes were sparkling with interest

"What's happening with the evil-piece?" spoke Akeno as the piece glowed intensely. The light given off by Erin's Knight piece was split off into 5 lines and from the individual light, a new evil piece seems to be forming.

"Interesting.. This is truly interesting." said Ajuka in amazement as they stared at the 5 white pieces that were created. The pieces were 2 Queens, 1 Knight, 1 Rook, and 1 Bishop piece.

"This has never happened before. An evil-piece creating another piece. This must solely be caused by the Blue Empress or is part of a fate that we don't know of."

The ORC stared at the white pieces in surprise and after recovering from their daze, they asked about Erin's safety.

"So does this mean.. that Erin is alive?"

“What I can answer you based on her evil-piece is this." Ajuka folded his hands on the table

"I don’t know what kind of situation she is in, but the possibility of her being alive in the Dimensional gap is high. Also, the Midnight dragon Voltaire's spirit remains as her Sacred Gear. So Erin Vermillion and the Ultimate Accession Gear are still together. Also, her evil-piece hasn't stopped functioning and it could be used again."

He picks up Erin's knight piece before continuing

"Since this evil-piece was recorded with her, it can only be used on her. No, it will be more appropriate to say that you can put it back on Erin Vermillion."

Feelings which can't be describe with words run through the group's bodies. Everyone became speechless and Ajuka continues his explanation.

“The vessel that this evil-piece has accepted…. So it means that her soul
and body are in an unstable condition and that is certain. If she received
Samael’s curse, then her body won’t be safe. I can confirm that from her evil-piece. But the soul which should be receiving the curse after that
seems like it hasn’t perished yet. Once the body is destroyed, the soul should receive the poison right away….."

"This evil-piece is telling me that
the soul was still safe after a certain time when her body was destroyed. It’s hard to grasp the situation with only her soul, but I heard from Governor-Azazel's side that Ophis is together with her. So it won’t be weird if anything happens... no matter in what shape, even if only her soul is alive.”

Ajuka examines the 5 new evil-pieces created.

"Besides, this phenomena is something which only Erin Vermillion can do. This has never happened before, so we can say that this is also a proof that her soul is still alive." He glanced at Rias. "I need to check on these evil-pieces before returning them to you. When the right time comes, you should give these pieces to Erin Vermillion."

“Ajuka-sama, even if the soul is safe, what should we do about her body which has been destroyed?” asked Kiba

“Hmm. Are her parents still alive? Or it can be anything like her body hair or DNA information which could be found in her room.”

“Her parents are alive. …..I think we can find her body hair in her room if we search for it.” replied Rias and the Maou nods at this

“Then after her soul returns, it is necessary to have enough DNA from her parents or her body hair so we can recreate a new body which is close to her original. The research institute which is managed by Grigori should be able to do that. Just
recreating her body is possible by using the clone technique. The difficult part is..."

"So there is another problem?" Ravel said in worry

“The point about whether her soul can adjust to her new body and whether her new body can accept her Sacred Gear. These two points are the problem. For the first one, even if her soul doesn’t adjust, we can use
medicine or demonic-powers or magic to somehow fix it. But she
might need treatment for the rest of her life. But the biggest problem is the second one."

Ajuka makes a thinking expression and taps his fingers on the table

"Sacred Gears are delicate, especially the Longinus. The Fallen-Angels have proved the technique of taking out the Sacred Gear and transfering it, but we can’t tell about the after effects it will have when we transfer the Ultimate Accession Gear to the new body. Anyway, she is able to live as your servant once again when you adjust her soul to a new body and use the evil-piece again. Well, if the evil-piece make a rejection reaction, no need to worry because I can adjust it. It was fortunate that her evil-piece didn’t receive Samael’s curse.”

"It’s possible to transfer the Sacred Gear. This is what the Fallen Angel Raynare attempted before." Rias said. "But Azazel also informed us that there is a very high chance to lose other abilities. It means that even if Erin gains a new body and has her soul and Sacred Gear put in it, we can’t throw away the chances of her after treatment and ability loss."

"But Buchou, Erin can still be revived, right?" Issei asked with hope and it was Ajuka who answered him

“If the evil-piece hasn't stopped functioning and if her soul and Sacred Gear are still present, then it is possible to revive her. If her soul is in the Ultimate Accession Gear, she can endure for quite some time staying in the Dimensional gap. I hear that the Longinus of this generation are making irregular evolution so her luck must be part of it. - A case which never happened before, but we can say that she has strong luck.”

At this answer, the ORC was filled with hope and bursted into tears

"Uwahhhh! Eriiiin!" Asia cried out in joy. Akeno, Koneko, and Ravel are also shedding huge tears. Rias covers her face with both her hands, and she shed a tear of joy.

"Erin.. so you are alive…… Yes, there is no way she would die!” Issei declared

“In any case, this is something you should hold on to, Rias Gremory." Ajuka returns the Knight piece. He then flitted his gaze between Akeno and Rias.

"You should rest assured. Your lover is the Toppuresu Dragon who makes miracles occur." Ajuka motions to the 5 white pieces as an example. "Maybe her soul might return by itself with Ophis and Midnight Dragon Voltaire's powers. I will have people check the dimensional gap. There should have been someone in Falbium’s servants who knows a lot about this stuff."

Ajuka puts his hand forward and a transport magic circle is created in front of the ORC.

“All of you should get going. The Underworld is in need of the powers of the Young Devils. Don’t be scared, she will come back. I think all of you know that the most. She is a Devil like that, isn’t she?”

The ORC nodded with determination and their smiles was filled with hope, due to the possibility of the Goddess' return.

- End of Chapter -

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