chapter 27 : the duel

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"Camelia Crimson is the winner," the host said

"Wow, she's amazing," people murmured

"I should go and see her back there," Asmodeus said to himself

After the dueling with my fiancee, I feel relieved. He even sprained his leg, I'm kinda proud though. I wish I could have just killed him instead, but it's hard since he's from the Imperial family.

"Who are you?" Apollo asked me

"Me? I'm Camelia," I answered casually

"No, you're not the Camelia I know"

"Do you even know me? I had never met you before, I just realized that you're my fiancee"

What I said makes sense because Camelia had never met Apollo before joining the Academy. But why did he said like he had known me before?

"I know you well," he said

Wait, don't tell me he travels back in time? It may be sound ridiculous, but it's possible since Asmodeus's mother turned back time.

"Perhaps, did you turn back in time?" I asked

He startled, I think I was right. But, Asmodeus came towards us, he looked surprised to see me and Apollo are having a conversation. He gave me a box of popcorn.

"Thanks," I said

"Let's go," he said to me

I think he looked displeased to see Apollo or is it just my thought?

he held my hand and pull me out from there. I didn't say anything and follow him since he looked like he's not feeling well.

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"Asmodeus Lennox, so he's the one," a guy said to Apollo

"Shut up Azael," Apollo said

"I'm not interested in him. But don't you think they're weird?"

"And why is it?"

"Asmodeus is a neighboring prince and also he's your enemy in the future. But how did she know him that well? isn't that weird?"

What Azael said really does makes sense, his fiancee is more like an enemy to him now. Why would a crown princess be closer to an enemy rather than the crown prince himself? something's not right here. She even realized that I went back in time, that's what makes it odder. Did she perhaps travel back in time too? but it's impossible. The magician said that no one could remember the 1st timeline, and I'm the only one who should remember. From what I heard, Camelia was able to catch one of the largest and dangerous magical creatures in the Academy's history. So she is well trained, and in the 1st timeline, she ain't that powerful. I need to ask the magician about this matter.

"You're right, I need to look into it," Apollo said

"Yeah you should before she ended up marrying him," Azael said and left him alone

Apollo felt agitated and regretful, he realized that he was wrong in the past. He thought that if he turned back time, he can change things easily. But it turns out that he was wrong again. His plan was ruined, his fiancee was also snatched away by his own enemy.


a guy bumped into him, he's Asmodeus's little brother

"Watch out where you're going," Apollo said

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