illegal eggs

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    I looked carefully at Wes examining his features. He and Alec seemed so different.

Wes had a calmer face. More laid back. Charming even.

Alec was a bit more rough around the edges. I don't think it was intentional, perhaps he just had a resting bitch face. But he was also more attractive than Wesley. At least to me. Taller too.

Both brothers were beautiful in there own ways. Wesley was the sun and Alec was the moon. I was so drawn to both. Wesley was annoying and sprightly where as Alec was cold yet laid back.

    The boys looked ready for trouble and I felt nervous. Suddenly Wesley spoke pulling me out of my daze.

    "Warrior Wednesday is the night the three of us get payback on those who've wronged us. Its every third wednesday of the month. We do what we need to do then haul ass so we don't get caught."

   "Isn't that illegal?"

   "Only if we get caught"Alec said.

   "So this is some secret thing you all do as like a pass time?"

  "Yes. Now tonight is your initiation. Time for you to show us what you're made of"Wes smiled.

   "You know I never agreed to this, right? Besides I have no one to payback."

  I mean for godsake!? What am I doing? This is crazy. I was never one to do bad things. I've never done anything illegal and I really didn't want to go to jail!

    "You'll be fine Emma. Trust me you'll have fun. Learn to try new things"Brand said.

   "I'm okay with trying new things!"I defended myself. "As long as those new things don't get me hurt...or locked in a jail cell."

     "That's not gonna happen"Wes said reassuringly. Suddenly we pulled over and Wesley turned the engine off. I didn't know if my anxiety or adrenaline was kicking in but something was happening. I got out of the truck and nearly slipped.

     I felt a hand grab my upper arm. I looked up to see Alec he tugged me behind him as we went up to the house. He let go of me and I looked up glaring at him. He shot back a glare. Man he needs a chill pill.

"Who's house is this?"I whispered.

"My ex girlfriends"My brother said. "She cheated on me with a guy at a party"Brand stated.

"Okay. I understand now...that you guys are out of your flipping minds! Do you know how much trouble we-"I started to whisper yell but Wesley's big hand covered my mouth. All of the sudden my brother threw an egg at the house and my eyes went wide.

"Brandon Xavier Johnson"I stated. Since Wes had his hand over my mouth it came out muffled.

Wes let go and the boys started throwing eggs at the house. Wesley stopped and looked at me he smirked and handed me an egg. I refused by shaking my head.

"Come on it's liberating. You know you wanna"Wes cooed.

"I...Fine. Only One."

I held the egg in my hand. I took a shaky breath and then let it out. I threw the egg and it went straight into the open window. We then heard a loud scream.


  "Time to go!"

    Wes threw me over his shoulder and all the boys sped off to the truck. Wes threw me in the backseat and quickly got in then started the truck. He sped off right as Brand closed his door. They all laughed.

"Oh my god I hope I didn't hurt who ever that was!"

"That was Brianna's scream"Brand stated.

"How do you know that was her scream?"I asked. All the boys turned to look at me. "What?"I asked cluelessly. oh...ooooh. I gasped and scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Eww!"

"Can I get a bump?"My brother asked holding his fist towards me.

"Ew no, get away"I said in disgust. I slapped his fist away from me as Wes and Brand laughed.

  "Buddy If she screamed like that you two must of had something going wrong in bed"Alec stated like it was a fact. All the disgust I felt turned into laughter. I busted out laughing and my brother glared at me.

"Hey I don't tell you about my love life and I was hoping you wouldn't say anything about yours"I told my upset brother.

   "What love life? You don't have one." Brandon teased.

    "Thats a lie I can have anyone I desire. I know I'm beautiful"I stated.

"Okay whatever you say"Brandon stated as Wesley stopped the truck. I looked out the window to see the house. Something felt off about this one.

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