truth and memories

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          I felt like my whole body shut down. I couldn't think of what I wanted to say or even do. I couldn't understand what I was feeling. The whole world was spinning.

      "Alec." The only thing I could say barley above a whisper.

   Brand walked over to me and held my arm. Alec was at my other side holding me tight.

  "Dad did nothing but love you. He gave you everything you ever wanted and you it was never enough."

   "You're right"Mom said. "I stopped loving your father. I found happiness with someone else does that make me a bad person?"

  "Yes!"Brandon screamed. I tried catching my breath. "Our father was a good man! He didn't deserve that! He never would've left the house that night he never-he never would've di-died...!"   

     Brands anger fizzed out into grief. I saw the pain enter his eyes as he teared up and for the first time since we were children I saw my brother cry. Not ugly cry or happy cry. He cried in anguish. This time it was my turn to just stand there. Stone cold and unwavering. Frozen to the ground I stood on.

   "You didn't meet Philip after dad died you were fucking him the whole time!"I spoke walking towards my mother.

  "Emma"Alec said.

  "Let her"Wesley spoke to his brother. Bailey stood consoling Brand.

   "Telling my father you loved him while you sucked another man's dick!" All of my sorrow and my pain turned to anger. Everything happened so fast. My mother slapped me across the face as quick as it happened I hit her back. She stood stunned that I laid a hand on her.

"Ha! Not what you expected huh?"Grandma laughed drunkenly.

   "You vapid self centered poisonous bitch! Your dead to me! You hear me? Dead to me! I will be by your house to get my things and then I'm out. I don't want you contacting me or trying to find me. Our relation ends here. You are not my mother Laura Boyd. You're nothing but a murderer."

"I'm leaving too. Don't contact either of us. I don't care if you're dying. Rot in hell and god help the poor kid you're having."

"You can't leave! You have no where to go"Laura said.

"They have us"Wesley said.

"Yeah which means they'll always have a home"Bailey stated.

"How does it feel Laura? You'll never see your kids again. You'll miss their biggest accomplishments, new life adventures, their weddings, you'll never see your grandkids. It sounds all too familiar doesn't it?"Grandma asked.

"Life is hard children you'll regret this. You'll come back when you need something. My door will always be open."

"Close it"I said walking away from her. "Wesley please take my grandma up to her room. Bailey take care of my brother. Laura I suggest you leave."

"You can't do this! You're my children!"She yelled.

"We are the children of Lewis Johnson. You are nothing but dirt and that's all you'll ever be"Brand said.

Bailey walked with him up the steps as Wesley helped my inebriated grandma up the steps.

  Laura stood for a few seconds before turning and leaving.

   I was left alone with Alec. The night sky and bustling city surrounding us.

  "I was wearing purple"I stated.

  "What?"He asked.

  "The first time we met I was wearing purple. You said I was wearing green."

  "Let's go for a ride"He said.

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