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"What are you doing?"I asked curiously as Bailey set up a camcorder on a tripod.

"I record these practices for Caleb to rewatch and improve his mistakes as he likes to say. I think it's stupid but he pays me so whatever."

    "What number is Caleb?"I asked.

   "12"She said. We looked onto the field to see Caleb doing the sprinkler and pelvis thrust like a weirdo and then he turned to us and waved obnoxiously with a dorky smile. Bailey face palmed as I laughed.

    "I have two classes with him. He's definitely a character"I laughed. "How come you didn't tell me he was your step brother?"

"Would you tell someone that he's your step brother?"she asked as I giggled.

"I see your point"I stated. "So why is there practice isn't football season technically over?"

  "Yes. But our school has a senior vs junior game  with our neighboring high school every year at the end of march. It's kind of like a grand exit for the seniors. Y'know a passing of the torch thing. Some stupid tradition that everyone goes crazy over. They even take a football trip together."

  "Guess footballs a pretty praised sport here. strange for an art school"I mumbled the last part more to myself.

"Wes you're so hot!" A red head with caked on makeup from the top of the bleachers cheered.

"Stop being embarrassing"Her friend spoke with a sheepish expression.

"Stop being so prudish Marisol, he's hot and he's rich. I have to ensure my future."

The brunette only rolled her eyes. She pulled her exuberant friend down making her sit. I looked at Bailey and we both giggled.

"Can you say shallow?"I asked rhetorically as Bailey snickered.

"Wes is popular with the ladies"she said in a posh tone as she straightened her posture and rested her hand on her hip.

"Well I think he's a jack-"before I could finish my phone started to ring in my bag. I pulled it out and grandma's face flashed on the screen. I answered quickly.

"Hi grandma"I smiled.

"Gumdrop, hi. How are you?"She asked.

   "I'm good how are you?"

"I am wonderful. With that I just wanted you to know I'm flying out there for yours and Brand's birthday."

"O-oh really? I can't wait!"I said excited to see her.

"However I do not want to stay with that mother of yours! Therefore I have made arrangements to stay at Chateau Marmont. I've also planned a separate event to spend time with you and your brother for your birthday. I'm telling you in advance to give you time to invite some of your friends. Make sure you tell your brother. It will be the day after your actual birthday."

"I can't wait! I'll tell him. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, sweetie."

"S' Agapó!"

"Ki Ego s' agapó!"

I hung up and Bailey looked at me curiously.

"My grandma. She lives in Greece. She's coming to visit for my eighteenth birthday."

"Oh so you're Greek?"

"No. My Grandma is from Michigan. She was on vacation when she met Cyras in Greece. Her third husband, she's my dads mom. Cyras and grandma have been together since I was eight."

"What about your real grandpa?"

"My grandmas first husband passed away from liver complications when my dad was little."

"And your moms parents?"

"They live in Jelgava, Latvia we don't get to see them much. What about you?"

"Well my dad and mom split up when I was two. Dad got custody and mom took off to Vegas. Haven't seen her since. I've never met my moms parents and my dads parents live in Florida. Dad owns a nightclub. My step mom is really cool she's a cardiologist. Her parents live in Sacramento. They're really nice. What do your parents do?"

"Well my mom was a caterer. She was catering at an American medical association event when she met Philip. Philip is a neurologist and my soon to be step parent. My dad is-was...He was a firefighter. He passed away. Two years ago."

"Oh I'm sorry"Bailey said.

"You know everyone always says'd figure I'd know how to respond by now. Thank you feels too uncomfortable and me too feels a bit morbid"I stated.

   "Are you okay?"She asked resting a hand on my shoulder.

    " anyways sorry to make it depressing"I laughed. "So, my grandma is throwing a birthday for me and Brand. You're invited"I said changing the subject.

"That sounds fun. I'm down."

The guys started walking back in the building and Bailey and I stood up. I put my bag on and walked down the bleachers.

    "Sometimes it gets so boring waiting for these things to end. I'm glad I have you now"she chuckled.

"Well I'm glad I could be of service." I smiled. I walked to the parking lot with her. 

"Sometimes I wish Caleb still had his license but the kid doesn't know how to not speed. Thinks he's Lightning fucking McQueen"She said as I burst out laughing.

"Hey ladies!"A voice boomed causing us to scream. We turned to see Caleb striding over to us.

"See you tomorrow"Bailey smiled.

"Bye"I said walking over to the car. I was trying to fix my back pack strap since one was longer. I heard a whistle and I looked up. Walking towards me was my brother and Wesley.

"Uh what's he doing?"

"We're going to his house. He's gonna ride with us"Brand said as he unlocked the car.

"Great. Good. Wonderful"I mumbled.

"Did you say something?"Wesley asked.

"Huh? No." I said with a false smile.

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