accidental swim

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      I climbed into the back seat. Once I was seated and buckled I glared at Wesley.

     "Looking at my ass isn't gonna score you any points Walker"I stated.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about"Wes said innocently as he got in and shut the door.

     "Are we just dropping him off?"I asked.

    "No we're gonna chill at his place"Brandon said.

    "Awesome"I mumbled.

      I understood why he didn't take me home first. Gas isn't cheap and running back an fourth will take money out of his pocket since he gets the car today.

    "We won't be there long. We have plans"Wesley turned and smiled at me. I felt a lump of fear settle in the pit of my stomach. I'm not gonna be the next girl to end up on the ID channel am I?

"You're not planning on killing me are you?"I asked laughing slightly to make it sound like a joke.

"No we aren't going to kill least not tonight"Wesley said.

"Haha funny"I said sarcastically. I stayed silent the rest of the ride.

     I chucked my dead phone onto the seat next to me just as we pulled up to a house. I looked out of the window and stared at the house in awe. It was one of those modern homes that just looked aesthetically pleasing.

  Wes opened the door for me to get out as he walked away. I went to get out only for my foot to get caught on the seat. I closed my eyes and braced for impact.

     Instead of eating pavement I felt something warm wrap around me. I hesitantly opened my eyes. I was in some guys arms. He stared at me and then put me down.

     "Uh S-sorry"I stuttered. He just shut the door behind me and walked away. He had serious resting bitch face. Where did he even come from?

   I looked to see a car parked next to ours. A very nice car. A Bentley if I wasn't mistaken. So he must have just got here too. Goes to show how much I pay attention.

    "Alec sup bro"Brand said doing some sort of guy handshake with him. Cliche. So his name was Alec? I continued to stare at him as he shot a glare my way. What's his problem?

   "Don't let my big bro get to you. That's just his face"Wesley pulled me close and whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. I pushed him away.

    "I-ugh...I thought I did something wrong"I said. Wesley raised a eyebrow and I quickly recomposed myself. "Not that it matters..."

    "Okay"Wes said ruffling my hair.

  "Hey!" I protested as he jogged over to my brother while laughing. I caught up to Alec.

    "So Alec, you're Wesley's brother?"I asked trying to make a conversation with him and lighten the mood. We walked over to the house.

"Yes"he said.

    "I'm Emma." I said to which I earned no reply. "Okay...You're not much of a talker are you?...." silence. "You know it cost nothing to be kind."

   "Can I ask you something?"he asked out of the blue.

  "Sure"I replied.

  "Can you swim?"He asked. I turned to him confused.


    Alec took his index finger and middle finger then poked me in the forehead causing me to fall back. Straight into the pool. The cold water made every inch of my skin crawl with goosebumps.

   I surfaced gasping for air. I was shocked at how quickly everything happened. All the guys began laughing.

"What if I didn't know how to swim?"I asked.

"Then we wouldn't be having this the way it cost nothing to be a dick either." Alec replied smugly as he walked away. Wesley burst out laughing as Brand shook his head side to side with a small smile.

I glared at them making my way out of the pool. I slung my hair to the sides causing water to get all over them. This time it was my turn to laugh.

"Ah come on Emma"Brand groaned wiping his face.

       I followed the guys into the house. The cold air wrapped around me causing me to shiver. Talk about high powered air conditioning. They were still laughing as an older women in her late 30's walked up. She looked at the boys in wonder then her eyes landed on me.

"Oh dear are you okay what happened?!"She gasped in shock like any caring mother would do. I have something to wipe that grin right off of Wesley's face. Paybacks a bitch Walker.

    "Well ma'am Wesley thought it'd be funny to push me into your pool"I shivered as I batted my eyelashes. Wesley instantly quit laughing.

"Wha-No I di-!"

"Wesley James Walker!"she chided.

"Mom I-"

     "You apologize right now!"Mrs. Walker cut Wesley off with her hands on her hips.

  "But I-"


  "Okay! I'm sorry Emma"He glared at me as I smiled sweetly at him.

  "I forgive you Wesley"I smiled.

   "Come with me dear I'll get you some warm clothing"She smiled warmly as he groaned and walked away with the guys.

      The women pulled me into a room and wrapped a towel around me. "Stay here dear"she said. She came back with a pair of grey sweats and a blue v neck T-shirt.

"These are from when my niece came over you're about the same size as her"She stated "They're clean. She won't mind"she said.

     She left the room and I got dressed. I dried my hair to the best of my ability with the towel. I then put my hair in a pony tail. I threw the towel in the basket labeled laundry. Then I walked out of the bathroom.

    "I'll take these for you. I'm Wes' mom by the way if you haven't figured that can call me Linda though"She smiled taking the wet clothes from me and walking to another room. She came back out with some slip on shoes.

   "Hi I'm Brandon's younger sister Emma"I smiled shaking her hand. Then I put the slip on shoes on. She handed me a bag to put my sneakers in. "Thank you ma'am."

"No problem. Emma. What a lovely name I didn't know Brandon had a sister"she stated.

"You wouldn't be the first"I giggled.

"Well how about a little girl talk? I can make some hot cocoa."  She kindly smiled.

"That would be great"I smiled back.

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