harmonic oscillator

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     "Anything else?"

  "Nope I think I've got it. So I only have one class upstairs but luckily it's my last class." 

  "Yeah you're definitely luckily. I'm down, up, down ,up. I've learned to not wear heels to school"She laughed. She stopped to pull something out of her bag. A pack of gum.

   "I hate physics"She stated. Then held up the pack of gum. "This is my life line. It helps my nerves. If gum didn't exist I'd probably be a smoker. Want one?"

  "Sure. Thank you"I said taking a stick of gun. I unwrapped it and popped it in my mouth. I threw the wrapper in a bin that we were standing by. By now the school was starting to fill up a more.

   I looked to my left to see a group of good looking guys walk in.

   The type of guys you'd see in movies. Yes there were some unattractive people here like every other school but these men looked out of place. They were a group of handsome men.


   "Hm?"She looked up from her phone.

    "Who are they?"I asked.

    "Ugh. Well you already know your brother he's Wes' right hand man. The ginger with blue eyes is Eric Kelley he is the jokester and prankster of the group. Just be careful sometimes he goes too far. Black hair and green eyes, Austin Lane he's a player. Big ladies man"She said.


  "Yeah. The sandy brown haired one with brown eyes and tan skin is the stereo typical "jock" of the group he sucks at everything except sports and annoying girls...Caleb."

  "I take it you don't get along?"

  "He's like the rock that gets stuck in your shoe"She deadpanned.

  "Noted"I laughed.

   "The one with the brown hair with dreamy caramel brown eyes is Wesley Walker his parents are rich and he is next in line to inherit his dad's company. He's also football captain and everything a girl wishes they had. He's a total waste of time"Bailey said. I looked at Wes for a few seconds when his eyes met mine I turned around to face Bailey.

    "Um can we go to class now I wanna get a head start"I said.

   "The bell rings at eight fourteen and the final bell rings at eight twenty. Mrs.Walsh usually doesn't open her door until the bell rings it's eight ten right now"Bailey said then she sighed.

   "What? Are you okay?"I asked confused.

    "Wesley is coming this way"She said quietly.

     "Not friends?"I whispered back.

    "No. They're all annoying"She said tiredly.

   "Hey! You're Brandon's sister right?"  I turned around to face Wesley.

     "Yeah?"I said he chuckled and grabbed my chin. I pushed his hand away.

    "Mm...feisty"he said by now the stares and whispers began. "Brandon mentioned you were twins. You're prettier."

     "I know. Also I'm not interested so bye."   I pushed passed him and walked away. Everybody was whispering.

          Bailey quickly caught up.

  "I can not believe you just said that to the heir of a high end tech company."

   "That sounds like some weird movie shit. Anyways I don't know him. I don't owe him anything."

  "You are my new best friend. We need to hang out"She said happily.

    The bell finally rang and we walked into the class room making us the first ones in.

   "Good morning girls. Bailey who's your friend?"A friendly female voice asked.

    "Good morning Mrs. Walsh this is Emma she's your new student."

    "Oh! Yes Emma welcome. We're working on the harmonic oscillator system. Are you familiar with the curriculum?"

  "Yes ma'am."

   "Great. Could you tell me the formula."

   "F= kx. F standing for the force acting on the system. K standing for the positive constant. X is the displacement."

      "I'm gonna like you. Bailey you could learn something from her...Anyways take a seat anywhere I'm going to assign partners for our lab today"She said.

     There were two stools at each table Bailey sat next to me as the class started to fill in. The last to enter the class when the bell rang was Wesley. He looked right at me and smirked. I stupidly made myself a person of interest for him. He walked past me and I heard the stool behind me move. Great.

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