hot and heavy

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    "Then I said...well Mrs. LeFranz I guess screw you may have been too kind"Linda said as I burst out laughing.

   By now our cocoa was long gone. I enjoyed listening to her stories. She's definitely a women to fly by the seat of her pants. I respected her spirited personality.

I watched as Alec came downstairs. He went over to the fridge then grabbed a water out of it. I glared not to happy with his sudden presence.

"Your brother wants you"He said as he walked back to the staircase. I went to take my cup to the sink but Linda stopped me.

"I've got it sweetie"she smiled.

"Are you sure?"I asked. She nodded for me to go. I smiled then walked up the stairs to Wes' room but stopped at the top of the staircase when I realized I had no idea where I was going.

Alec was already gone so I had no idea where to go. I saw a door shut and I quickly looked up thinking that is was Alec.

I opened the door to walk in when I froze. This wasn't Wesley's room. It was the bathroom and Wes was unbuckling his belt.

"Jesus-Ah!"I squeaked.

"Not quite"Wes laughed.

"I'm sorry I didn't know!"

I covered my eyes and I turned around running out. In a not so gracious manner I collided with the wall.

I groaned in pain and backed away from the wall and turned around. Wes was standing against the door frame.

"If you wanted to see me naked you could've just asked"he laughed.

"What!? No I wasn't...I got...I didn't-"

"Calm down princess. My room is right there"He said pointing to the door. I turned around to see where he was pointing.

"Okay"I mumbled. I turned back around quickly. "Hey don't call me-" Before I could finish he slammed the door in my face. I scoffed and walked to his room.

I walked in to see Alec sitting on the couch. Brand was on the balcony talking on his phone. I looked at Alec again.

He was handsome. Unfortunately he was clearly a jackass.

"Do you have a staring problem?"Alec asked looking up from his phone towards me.

    "Are you always such a prick?"I asked just to spite him.

"What's your problem?"He asked standing up.

"You pushed me in a pool for no fucking reason. That's my problem"I crossed my arms.

"Oh I had a reason"He stated.

"Yeah and what was it?"I asked crossing my arms. He examined my features then his face went completely stoic.

"Because it amused me."

"Because it amused you!? What are you some kind of masochist!?"

   I went to push him back but he grabbed the underneath of my hair from the back and forced me to look up at him.

"What I am or am not is none of your business. But darling I could still make you scream"he stated his voice deeper then earlier. I felt panic rise. Oh my god...I'm hot and I can't breathe. My head became cloudy as my thoughts jumbled together. Half of my mind was screaming in exhilaration but the other half was nervous and fearful of his dominance.

"Alec let her go"Wes said as he walked in.

"Watch your tongue. It can get you into a lot of trouble"he said quietly staring me directly in the eyes.  A shiver ran down my spine. He backed off and sat back down.

"Brand. Dude"Wes whacked my brother on the head.

"Whoa-Hey! What? What?"Brand asked annoyed.

"Your sisters here"He signaled to me.

"Oh hey Emma. Mom called she said she tried to reach you but it went straight to voicemail."

"My phone died."

"Oh okay well she picked up your inhaler for you and also she and Philip won't be home tonight or tomorrow they have reservations for a date. So if we need anything we just need to ask Hilly."

"Got it"I said uninterested. Why should I care?

"So is everyone ready?"Wes said excitedly.

"Ready for what?"I asked confused.

"It's the third Wednesday of the month"Brand said.


"Warrior Wednesday"The trio said in unison.

"Just be ready to have the best night of your life!"Wes smiled deviously.

"No thanks"I said.

"Loosen up Emma. Just go with the flow you'll have fun." Wes patted my head.

"You must take the blood oath though. This group is very secret. Swear with you blood and by our ancestors"Brand stood up.

"Hey hey whoa mister man I am not a cultist"I said backing away. He laughed.

"I'm kidding. Ha you should've seen your face...but no seriously. Tonight is a secret. Understand?"Brand asked.

"O-okay"I nodded unsure.

"Okay time to go!"Wes stated.

We walked downstairs and said our goodbyes to Linda.  We loaded into Wes' black truck. The guys shoved me in the back since there were three seats in the front. I looked at what I was surrounded by. A whole bunch of egg cartons, toilet paper and....toothpaste?

What have I gotten myself into?

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