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     "Are you scared?"

  "Not really. I'm just bothered. I just barely got to a good place within myself."

  "You're doing great Emma. You've come a long way. On the plus side technically you're rich now."

    "I'm really not"I said as someone knocked on the door scaring me. "Yes?"

   "Miss Emma. Your brother is waiting on you. It's time to leave."

  "Just a minute!"I called out.  "Not one moment of peace!"I whisper yelled.

    "I would be in heaven! Cleaners, butlers and a personal chef."

   "Yeah it's a bit of an adjustment but I'd be super ungrateful to complain."

    "Well I understand how it can be a bit uncomfortable. It's something that you're not used to. You're also an independent person"Ashton pointed out.

  "Yeah. Philip is trying to buy our love. Brand is relishing in it. It's making me uncomfortable. I'm used to having my personal space. And using people to do something you can do yourself just seems wrong."

  "Today whenever you're feeling annoyed or on the defense take some deep breaths and clear your mind."

   "I'm sorry for ranting. After my therapist cleared me from the fifth stage mom just uprooted us. Like I was magically all fixed. I don't know how she could just move on that fast."

  "It's been two years. Maybe she just wants to forget about it."

  Suddenly my door burst open.

  "Emma I have practice let's go! I'll leave your ass here!"

  "Ash I gotta go. My brothers freaking out."

  "Okay have a good day."

   "You too, bye"I said hanging up.

  "Are you ready?"Brand asked seemingly agitated.

  "Yeah let me grab my bag."

  I looked in the mirror one last time to make sure I looked okay. I went downstairs with my brother and to our shared car. Technically it was moms. Nothing special just a Blazer from 2005.

    However when mom got with Ritchie Rich he bought her a cherry red Lexus.

       "Could we stop at the store on the way home? I'm running low on toothpaste and I have to pick up my new inhaler."

   I buckled up and Brand plugged his phone into the aux. He started the car and then backed out of the garage.

   "What do you have an inhaler for?"Brand asked pulling out of the gate.

    "It's an asthma thing. Exercise induced Bronchoconstruction. I've had it since we were kids. How could you not know?"

"I just don't remember. Geez anyways...that um...."

   He went silent. It was awkward enough without him trying to make conversation.

  "Have you got your schedule?"


  "What are your classes?"He asked. I looked down at my phone to see the picture I took of my schedule.

"Physics with Mrs. Walsh, Psychology with Mr. Ryan, Visual Arts six with Ms. Simmons, and physics with Mr. Kromb."

  "We have art together."

  "Cool....can you even draw?"

   "Well I can paint"He said.

  "Really? Never would've guessed. What's your style, Picasso?"I asked.


   "Cool...can you turn the music on?" I asked not wanting to continue conversation.

  "Yeah sure"He said. He grabbed his phone and went through his playlist opting to play Big Sean. Not my taste but he was driving so it was his choice.

   I watched the scenery pass by as we made our way to school and once we got there I was shocked. It was way bigger than my school. My school was a big brick building in the city. Nothing really special. It was an academic school. Brand went to a fine arts school.

    "There's not a lot of people here"I commented.

"We came early remember. I have a practice. I have someone who can show you around until class starts."

"Thanks. You didn't have to."

"Mom asked me. Since I couldn't do it myself."

I clenched my jaw at the mention of mom.

"Hey...I don't like it either. This all came out of left field but we're going to be eighteen soon we can go our own ways. Besides Philip seems like a good guy at least try to give him a chance."

"I don't wanna talk about this."

I unbuckled as he parked. I grabbed my bag and got out. Brand grabbed his duffle and bag then began walking to the building. I followed him and we stayed silent.

     "Bethany!"Brand said with a booming voice coming to a sudden stop. I bumped into him and jumped back a little in fright.  I saw him looking at the girl who was leaning against some lockers. She was playing on her phone.

     "It's Bailey"she said annoyed. She looked up and then saw me and smiled.

    "Mhm. This is Emma my sister. Show her around"he said then he walked off. Wow rude. Who taught him to treat a women like that?

"No offense but your brother is a total dick"Bailey said.

    "Yeah I'm starting to get that"I stated as she smiled.

    "I'm Bailey Morgan." She shook my hand.

   "Emma Johnson"I introduced myself.

    "Nice to meet you Emma. I love your makeup!" She smiled.

    "Thanks. I love your earrings"I said looking at her lollipop earrings.

   "Thank you. I made them myself. Kind of a hobby. Okay so where is your schedule?"She asked. I handed her my phone with my schedule pulled up.

"Oh okay you have physics first which is luckily with me"She said. "I'll walk you around and show you where everything is. Keep up its easy to get lost here."

"Yeah I can see that"I said looking around.

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