Part X - awakening feelings II

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Sorry about the format, spacing and such. For some reason I am unable to edit from my laptop.

After you two had enough of batting, you both walked out of the building and you follow Miyuki towards a train station. "That was so much fun! I've never felt this satisfied after batting before. Thanks Kazuya" you say with a smile.

"Don't thank me yet, we're just getting started" he says with a smile.
"Oh? Where are we going next?" You question.
"You'll see when we get there" he answers with a smirk.
After walking for a bit, you two come to a cafe.
"Since we had an early lunch, let's stop by this cafe. They have the worlds best snacks." He says with exaggeration.
You follow behind him and find yourself in a seat near the glass window. You let Miyuki decide what to order and look out of the window for observation. As you look around you notice an entrance to a park across from the cafe. It reminds you of the park you visited back in your world which causes you to drift into your thoughts.......
"I wonder what happened to the "me" in my world. Do I still exist there? Would my family and friends notice if I don't exist in that world? No-no, of course they would notice but, how long am I here for? Would I ever go back? Before I woke up in that shed, I remember going to sleep. What if this is just a really long dream and I'm just gonna wake up to........"

Just then,  your thoughts are interrupted when you feel a warm sensation on your cheek. (No, he's not kissing your cheeks lol) when you look to the side you notice Miyuki holding a hot drink. Seeing you come back to reality, he starts talking:
"Oh! Were you so bored without me that you started to daydream?" Miyuki says with a smirk as he hands you a drink.
"Yea, you bring 'warmth' into my life" you say coyly. To which he snickers.
"If you zone out like that, you'll miss what the present moment has to offer" he says as he pushed up his glasses like an intellectual.
"If that present moment is with you then, I definitely don't want to miss that" you say with a smile to which he slightly feels embarrassed.
Just then the waiter brings you the snacks Miyuki ordered.
"Wow! it looks amazing. Thanks for the food Kazuya" you say as your excitement seeps out of your eyes at the sight of the new deserts/snacks.
"Wait until you taste it haha" he chuckles.
After munching down all the snacks you guys decide to take a walk through the park.
"Since you've never been here before, let me show you something great" he says as he leads the way. He brings you to a riverside area within the park which is covered by cherry blossoms.
"The peak season for the blossoms already passed but you can still see the flowers" he says as he looks towards you only to see your face bright in astonishment. You had never seen such a breathtaking view before so to you, this view was to die for. You just stare at the scenery speechless and seeing you enjoy it so much, Miyuki also enjoys the view quietly next to you.
After some time, which seemed very short to you, it starts to get dark. You two start to walk again as the streetlights come on. You both arrive at a central area of the park with big fountains and such and Miyuki suggests you two sit on the bench to give your legs some break from walking so much. As you two sit on the bench, you notice Miyuki smiling to himself.
"Kazuya.....why're you smiling by yourself like that?" You ask with skepticism and curiosity.
"Haha, nothing (y/n)-Chan, I was just thinking that you get amazed by the littlest things. It's kind of cute" he says as he continues to smile.
"Whoa...Kazuya is a weirdo..." you try to tease him to hide your embarrassment.
"Haha, what're you talking about? You're the weird one (y/n)-Chan" he says while laughing.
"I-i just reacted that way because everything is new to me" you say while looking away and just then you see many colorful lights, lighting up the water fountain.
"Wow...." you say as your face expression automatically changes to a smiley face.
"See? What did I tell you?" He says then starts snickering.
"Tsk, what's wrong with enjoying what's enjoyable?" You say with a pouty face.
"Nothings wrong (y/n)-Chan" he says. "just cute" he mumbles as you both continue to watch the light show.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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