Part IV- Doubt

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Sorry for the long break. I wasn't sure how I wanted to continue this story. Thank you for waiting, I really appreciate it. :)


Miyuki's POV:

We are on our way to the game against Ichidai third high school. On my way to the bus I hear Kuramochi call out to Sawamura. To my surprise Sawamura says he will stay back to practice. 

"Sawamura isn't going to the game?" I wasn't expecting that.

What (Y/n)-chan said yesterday totally slipped my mind until I heard this. But this could be a complete coincidence. Or maybe Sawamura is trying to get back at me for yesterday's prank and he got (Y/n)-chan to help him out. Yup, that makes more sense. There's no way someone can predict the future...or come from a different dimension....

During the whole bus ride I could only think about what (y/n)-chan had said. Is what she said really true? No, it has to be a prank....but if it is a prank, she wouldn't have told me about those three things. This isn't going anywhere...sigh, let's just see what happens at the game...

*time skip to the game*

I am at bat, Manaka is pitching, the count is 1 ball, 2 strike...if what (Y/n)-chan said is true, the next pitch should be an inside slider. Still skeptical of what (y/n)-chan said, I look forward while waiting for the pitcher's next pitch. His pitching form and ball course seem similar but before I could process what was going on, my body acted on it's own and I swung my bat. In the next instant I hear cheers....I hit the pitch inside and hit a home-run. Even I was surprised at the pitch he had thrown; he really did throw an inside slider...and not only that even the ball count is an exact match to what (y/n)-chan had said.

"There's no way (Y/n)-chan could have known this beforehand" I think so while I walk back to the dugout. Kuramochi thinks I anticipated it but, could I have subconsciously believed in what (y/n)- chan had said and swung for it? As surprised as I am, I can't deny that I am intrigued by this. Two out of the three things she said was accurate, will the third one be the same?

As such thoughts were in the back of my head, the game continued. This is the 4th inning, I give a sign to Tanba-san but it seems like he wants to go with a different pitch. His pitch is weak, it seems like Tanba-san is having trouble with his pitches today. Could (y/n)-chan's 3rd piece of information be true as well? No-no, if the pitcher, Tanba-san is having problems, then it's my job as the catcher to make up for it. With this, I throw the ball with all the strength in my body towards the third baseman and get the last out for this inning. However, once we get back to the dugout, Coach replaces Tanba-san with Kawakami. With this, everything (Y/n)-chan said has come true. I can't believe I'm more surprised because of her predictions rather than the fact that coach is replacing Tanba-san with Kawakami. Was I expecting this because of what she said?

To be honest, I don't know how I should feel about it. It seems too bizarre...Can I call this a series of super lucky conjectures? But no one can be this precise...ugh my head is a mess because of her. Let's leave this matter aside and focus on the game. I will have to speak with her after we get back to the dorm. Then maybe I can figure this out.

"Could she really be from a different time?..."

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