Part IX- awakened feelings

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Hello, sorry for the long wait. Here is the next part, hope you guys enjoy. Also,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope the new year will be much better than this one.

Note: The Italicized parts are what Y/n is thinking in her head


It's been weeks since you last saw Miyuki. Not being able to see him whenever you wanted to made you feel uncomfortable since back in your world, you're able to see him whenever you pleased. You lay down in your bed and think about all those scenes with him in it. 

"It was so easy to see him before but now, even though I'm literally inside his world, I'm unable to see him as I wish" you think so as you let out a long sigh.

"Keeping secrets sure isn't easy" you think to yourself. And the secret you're referring to is related to all those questions he asked before. Little does he know that you know so much about him because he's your favorite character whom you had loved forever. 

"Ughhhh it really isn't easy to act normal in front of someone you love!!!" You've only seen him through the screens but now seeing him in the flesh is enigmatic; almost magical.

"Gahh! I wanna see him!!" 

"Okay y/n, can I meet him? What excuse can I make?" You try to think of many excuses and play different scenarios inside your head but none of them seem to work out and you drift off to sleep.

The next morning as you walk into the living room, you halt at the doorway when you see Miyuki sitting on the couch drinking a sports drink. You squint your eyes and stare at him for a few seconds to process if it's actually him or if you're still half asleep. When he sees you, he gives you such a dazzling smile that it makes your sleepiness run out of the door.

"Good morning pj-Chan" he says with a wink.

"Don't you know it's impolite to visit someone this early in the morning?" You say while trying your best to not let your happiness seep through.

"Early? Normally we would be halfway through our morning practice by now" he says while shaking his head as if he were disappointed in you.

"That's right, so why are you here instead of practice?" You ask while making some tea.

He gets up from the sofa and stands next to you while you pour in the tea. Then he puts his hand on your shoulder and says: "Can't I come to see you because I miss you y/n-Chan?"

"Eh?" You freeze on your track for a split second as your brain stops functioning.

"Ahahaha (y/n)-Chan relax no need to make that face I was just joking."

"What face was I even making?"

"We don't have any practice today so I thought maybe you would like to look around the city." he explains.

"A rare chance!! A chance to look around the city not to mention with Miyuki! Hell yes!! wait, wait, calm down y/n." 

"Sure, sounds great! I'll go get ready" you say while trying to withhold your excitement and run into your room at lightning speed once you're out of Miyuki's sight.

"She forgot about her tea...hehe" Miyuki thought as he chuckled to himself.


Miyuki showed you around many popular spots around Tokyo and the whole time sparkles never left your eyes. You guys ate an early lunch since you forgot about breakfast. While you ate, you two talked about all sorts of stuff and one of the things he asked was if you've ever played baseball before. You just told him you've played a little bit during your high school Phys Ed class. So after eating lunch he decided to take you to one of those multi purpose sports buildings. You guys took the train for couple of stops. Once you got out of the train station you noticed that the streets were quite busy. 

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