Part V- Living arrangement

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*Rewind to this morning*

Your POV:

I wake up to see it's morning already.
"I'm so glad I didn't have to sleep in a park bench" I say as I stretch out on the comfy bed.

*flashback to yesterday evening*

"Wonder where he's taking me"

We start walking away from the baseball field, as I look towards the field, I ask him where we are going and look back at him but something feels different.....what is it? I can't really put my finger on it...

"You'll know when we get there" he replies with a smile.

"Ugh, why is his smile so damn precious! If someone in the real world said that, I would never follow them but, I know how Miyuki's character is, so I can trust him in this." I think to myself while walking but I notice Miyuki stop and face me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and leans in toward me and says, "(Y/n)-chan, it's really dangerous to zone out while walking, especially when you're with a stranger. What if I'm trying to kidnap you right now?" he says this in a playful voice while his eyes are locked onto mine.

Although he said all those things, none of it registered in my head because the moment he leaned in, my mind went blank. He was way too close, so close that the brim of his baseball hat was almost touching my forehead which gave me the perfect view of those beautiful, golden/chocolate brown eyes. I was too mesmerized to process what he was saying so I just managed to reply with a simple "yea..".

He starts to laugh at my simple reply while I blankly stare at him bc seeing him in front of me feels like a fantasy.

"You're funny (y/n)-chan. Normally people wouldn't say yes to being kidnapped". he says as he starts to walk ahead.

"Well, I don't see any reason for you to kidnap me, I don't even have anything you could want" I reply while I walk up to him....Hold on...

"Ahhh!!!! The hat! It's the hat, that's what was different about him. He's actually wearing his hat normally!?!" I scream inside of my head.

"Haha, you'd think so.....we're here" he reply's while I had that little mental epiphany.

I see a small, two story house in front of me. While I'm busy looking at the house, he enters through the small grill gate, up 3 stairs, and rings the doorbell. I follow behind and ask who's house it is, he says it's someone he knows and asks me if I'm okay doing some house works and running errands in return for staying here. 

"Staying here? Am I going to live here?" I ask surprised.

"Hmm...Idk, we'll see" he replies as he look at me sideways.

As he says this, I can hear faint and slow footsteps approaching the door. Once the door opens, an elderly lady comes out. The moment she sees miyuki, a smile spreads across her face. 

"Kazuya-kun! Thank you for always dropping by" says the lady with a happy expression.

"How can I not come over to the house that makes the best cookies?" replies Miyuki with a chuckle.

Mrs.Sato now looks over to me and Miyuki quickly introduces me as his friend. She invites us to come inside with a sweet smile. Miyuki follows her and I follow behind him.

We're sitting in her living room. Mrs.Sato tells us she'll go bring us some tea but Miyuki offers to do it instead. So while he is in the kitchen, Mrs. Sato tells me that Miyuki comes by here from time to time when he is available to help her out. Mrs.Sato probably saw what I was thinking on my face so she proceeds to tell me that since she's old now and can't look after the house very well, Miyuki comes to help her sometimes. I give her a friendly smile and say it's very sweet of Miyuki to do that.

While Mrs.Sato ans I were busy talking, Miyuki joins us with the tea and he tells us that Mrs.Sato has been looking for someone to look after the house while living here. Since I need a place to stay at, he asks Mrs.Sato if she can let me do that job. While I was nervous at what she might say, Mrs.Sato asked me if it would be okay with me. She tells me that ever since her husband died, she wanted someone to live here while looking after the house so it wouldn't feel so empty. While she spoke of her husband, her expression was enough to show how lonely she felt. Even as a stranger to her, I could see how much she misses him. Being caught in this moment, I tell her that I would love to stay here with her if it's okay with her as well.To be honest, this is the best arrangement possible for my situation since I don't have any money or anything else to offer. Hearing my answer, Mrs.Sato brightens up and say's she is very happy to hear that.

She tells us to wait a minute, gets up and goes into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Miyuki and I exchange a confused glance. 

"(Y/n)-chan, sorry for not giving you a heads up about this-"

"It's okay kazuya, I couldn't have asked for anything better. In fact, thank you so much for this arrangement. I really appreciate it." I say while giving him a sincere smile.

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'll accept anything you give me as a token of appreciation." he replies with a smug face.

"....I wasn't really thinking of any 'token of appreciation' though" I say in my head.

At this time, Mrs. Sato comes back with a colorful box and places it on the tea table. 

"Great timing Mrs. Sato!" I cheer in my head.

"I don't have the cookies right now but I hope these sweets will be good enough to celebrate miss (L/n)'s staying here." she says with a smile.

"Wow, these sweets look delicious! Thank you Mrs. Sato" I reply as I pick up one of them.

Miyuki does the same and we all eat and chat until Miyuki has to leave.

With that, my living arrangement had been taken care of thanks to Miyuki.

*End of flashback*

After I wash up, Mrs. Sato and I eat a simple breakfast which I made to thank her for letting me stay here. Then, I helped her with some of the house work while having some small talks but it was mostly Mrs. Sato showing me how to do some tasks. After we got the work out of the way, we had lunch and Mrs. Sato told me stories about her and her husband before he died. She asked me if we can eat together from now on. She says food taste better now that she has someone to eat with. I feel bittersweet hearing her words and I agree to eat together with her. Somehow she reminds me of my grandmother. 

In the afternoon, Mrs. Sato asks me to go to the store and get some milk and eggs. Since this was my first errand, I left the house with excitement but now.....

"How could you forget to ask her for direction (y/n)?! Am I an idiot or something? sigh...I have no idea where the store is..." 

As I am contemplating what to do, I see a passerby and decide to ask her for direction. Thanks to the lady's directions, I manage to reach the store. I quickly get the stuff and backtrack my steps to the house. When I get back, I see someone sitting by the stairs on the front porch. He seems to be in deep thought about something because he doesn't notice me enter through the grill gates.

"Kazuya?" I call out to him and he looks up at me.

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