Part I- First Meeting

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Hello! I'm still working on this story so I might be editing it here and there. I will try to update it as quickly as I can. Hope you guys enjoy.

P.S. I do not own any characters from the story, anime, manga, etc...the pictures above are screenshots from the anime.

It is now 3 am on a sleepless night. You're laying down on your bed, listening to some sad songs while thinking about life. Recently, you've noticed that your friends only contact you when they need something from you. Your parents doesn't even know the real you, the things you enjoy or the things you want to accomplish in life. Your school work is making you go crazy. All of this made you feel overwhelmed and you wish you never existed. While you think about all these, streams of tears roll down your cheek. You try to stop thinking about everything and focus on you music and notice that your favorite anime song starts to play. You think to yourself "how great would it be to leave everything behind and escape to the anime world". Thinking this in your head and slightly wishing it to be true, you drift off to sleep.


Your POV:

You wake up to find yourself laying down on a hard floor and while in a daze, you see a white ceiling above you. You slowly sit up and realize it's not your bedroom.

"Where the hell am I?" you think out loud while looking around.

You notice some baseballs on a big basket like thingy. Next to them, are some gloves and helmets and on the other side of the wall are lines of baseball bats and some unopened boxes lined up . You realize that somehow you're inside of a storage room. Luckily, you're able to see inside of the room due to the light coming in through the small window above your head.

"How the hell did I end up here? Last thing I remember is going to sleep last I dreaming?" you know you're not dreaming but just to be sure, you slap yourself on the cheeks "Ouch!" and regret it immediately.

"Okay, seems like I'm not in any dreams....OMG.........was I kidnapped?" You say to yourself with horror-filled voice. "Well, if I was kidnapped, someone would be here to guard me...because that's what they do in movies and anime, so...don't worry (Y/N), you're not kidnapped...(nervous laughter)" You try to calm yourself by thinking this. "Let's try to get out of this storage room first".

You walk to the door and try to turn the knob to open the door. "Of Course its locked...siigh". Since the door is locked, you try banging on the door in case someone is nearby to hear your cries. To your dismay, no one answered to your calls. Since all else failed, you decided to look for another way to exit the storage room. You looked around the room again and noticed the boxes near the bats. A lightbulb flashed in your head and you got the idea to stock the boxes on top of each other so you can escape through the small window. "I mean what could go wrong? I see this happening in anime all the time". So you try to move the boxes near the window....."Holy shit...what's in these damn's so... *pant*... freaking heavy..." you say while pushing the boxes with your arms then your back. "Phew...finally!" After you got the boxes where you needed them, you decided to take a few minutes to rest up.

"Okay, let's do this!" You grab a baseball bat from the side of the wall and get up on the boxes. You hit the wooden bars on the window with the bat so you have a big opening. You peek your head out of the window and notice a big baseball field in front of you, on your right. You look down and see the distance to the ground. You eye the distance to be about 6 ft give or take. "Okay I can do this!" You start to slip out of the window but then realize that you will break your neck if you come down this way. So instead, you slide your right leg out, then your left, hoping your (F/C) PJ's don't rip. You slowly keep sliding down until you reach your Hips..."Shit! I'm stuck." You try to wiggle yourself out but no result. "what do I do now???"

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