Part II- Wandering

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Sorry for the delay, life has been hectic recently. 


Kazuya's POV:

"Seems like you're having fun 'hanging' around there" I say to her while still laughing.

I thought she would get mad at my comment, but surprisingly, she just goes along with my joke and asks me to help her get down. "What an amusing person, maybe I'll play around with her for a bit" I thought while I let out a chuckle.

" want my help PJ-chan? What would I get in return for helping you out though?" I ask her jokingly. 

She throws the question back at me while adding a sarcastic remark. I answer saying I want a billion dollars just to mess with her. She replies saying "sure" which surprises me. I wasn't expecting her to say that. Then she says of course not and calls me an idiot in an irritated voice.

"What an interesting person...I like her already" I thought to myself while smiling.

I decide to keep teasing her for a while longer until she agrees to my 'not-so-serious' demand.

After she agrees, I look for something I can get on top of so that I can reach her. After looking around, I found a chair in the bullpen. I bring it over to where she was, got on the chair and noticed that she was stuck because her PJs were stuck on the sides of the window.
"If she moves the clothing out of the way she should be loose enough to slip off".
So, I ask her to pull her shirt up hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way. 

"Yup...she took it the wrong way....did she just call me a pervert? Oi-Oi don't go calling me a pervert, I'm trying to help you out here" I thought to myself.

"Well, maybe I should've explained first" but still don't go around calling people perverts...

"No, I'm not. Besides I can't see the other half of you anyway. Now, do you want me to help you get unstuck or not?" I tell her in a stern voice.

After she pulls her shirt up, I noticed that her pants waistline was pretty thick and was the culprit behind her situation. So, I put my hands on her pants to see if I can pull her out and I notice her flinch.

"If I'm gonna get you out of here, I'm gonna have to touch you PJ-chan" I tell her.

She replies and says its okay so I tell her that her pants are stuck so, I'll have to pull it down a bit, not knowing how she will react to this news. But to my surprise she agreed, although it came with a threat from her too. I couldn't help but feel amused by her.

I slowly wiggle the pants down trying to get it lose from the window, and I stop immediately when a part of her (S/C) catches my eyes. I can feel my cheek head up and form a blush on my face. 

"Damn, at this point even I would call myself a pervert" I thought to myself.

I brush my thoughts away from my head and pull her out. As I Pull her down, I hold her close to me to prevent her from falling down and gently lower her to the chair. While she jumps down from the chair and sighs to herself, I get down from the chair too. She turns around to face me and tries to say "thank...." but stops talking midway and keeps staring at me.

Your POV: 

"HOLY...lord of diamonds!!!"

I was baffled at what stood in front of me. 

"Miyuki Kazuya?" I say his name without thinking, unable to comprehend what I am seeing.

"Oh? seems like I'm famous" he replies with a chuckle.

Unable to believe what you were seeing in front of you, you subconsciously reach out your hands towards Miyuki's cheeks, heart thumping in your chest from anticipation of whether he's real or not. "wow it's feels so real" you let out while pinching and pulling his cheeks...

"Um..whut aye you duingg" he tries to say. You pull your hands away. 

"YOU'RE REAL!? How?" you say looking baffled.

"Uh-huh....did you hurt your head while coming out of the window or something?" he says while giving you a confused look.

", sorry about that" you say dumbfounded.

"Ya-beh....I'm so late. Don't get stuck in a window again PJ-chan" he says while giving you a wink and running away.

While you still can't truly believe that you're inside of the anime, you decide to quietly follow behind Miyuki. As you trail behind him, you see him hiding with another person. Is that Sawamura? You look ahead and see that other players are introducing themselves to coach Kataoka. Seeing all of these characters in front of you, your head starts to spin from the overflowing of many different feelings. You don't know what to believe anymore. You are deep in thought when you hear someone yell "Ah! someone is trying to sneak into the back of the line" which brings you back from your thoughts. You look up to see Sawamura frozen in his track while he tries to sneak into the group while Miyuki sneaks into his group.

"Oh! I remember this scene! Beginning of season 1, Sawamura's first day at Seido"

"If I remember correctly, they will all have to run laps in a bit for trying to sneak past coach Kataoka". You think to yourself.

"Wait! what if they see me? It's never good to get involved in stories...I should stay hidden. BUT MIYUKI SAW ME ALREADY!!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?" You panic while thinking all of this.

"Okay (y/n), calm down. Panicking won't help. Since Miyuki saw me already, maybe he can help me. Since he's at practice right now, let's go exploring!"

You walk around the campus and checkout different places and finally come to a stop when you arrive at the dorm. Your eyes sparkle when you realize that all of them must be in class by now, so the whole dorm is empty. Realizing this, you decide to take a look around. You try to open a door our of curiosity and to your surprise the door is unlocked. So you check the next room and that one is open as well. "Do these guys not care about their privacy and safety or what?" You keep walking and eventually come in front of a room that has the name Miyuki Kazuya written on the name plate. "Hmm...wonder if this is open" you give the doorknob a turn... "Of course it's open".

You walk in and take a look at a basic dorm room with bunk beds, a table, chair and some shelves, etc. You walk towards the desk and see a notepad on the table.

"I don't really know how long I'll be stuck here so I'll need to find a place to stay in as well as other stuff. So I'll need someone's help" you think about this and decide to leave a note on Miyuki's desk.

"'Meet me by the storage room.'__PJ-chan"

He might not come if I just tell him to come meet me. I need a bait.

"'Meet me by the storage room.'__PJ-chan."

"I'll tell you something interesting. Also I'm taking this baseball as hostage, so if you want it back you'll have to see me".

You leave the note on his table and exit the room with the baseball that was on his desk.

"Maybe I shouldn't have taken this baseball. Since it's just a ball, he may not come...sigh. Well, all I can do now is wait for him."

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