Part VI- Beacon

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"Kazuya?" I call out to him and he looks up at me.

"Hey" he replies.

"Why are you sitting on the front porch?" I question.

"Because Mrs.Sato isn't here."

"Oh, do you know where she went?"

"Maybe..." he replies in a playful voice.

"Well, I don't have the keys, so we'll just have to sit here until she's back I guess" I say while taking a seat next to him.

"Oh, that's right! How was the game?" I ask with anticipation.

He turns towards me and stares at me for some time until he finally speaks.

"About that, can you tell me more? About something else? Maybe something specific to me only, so that I can verify it for myself" he says with a serious look which makes me unable to look away from him.

"Sure, let me think...." I reply as I manage to finally look away from him. 

'But what can I tell him though? Can I even say anything about him without looking like a creep or a stalker? I can't mention anything too personal and something very public wouldn't prove anything....". I think all of this in my head but this isn't leading me to anything so, I look to Miyuki hoping to find something there, but there's nothing...

Sigh....."There's not much I know about you, except that your only family is your father and you can cook"

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't stalk you or anything.....I just know.......I mean, I may have become a thief after I came here, but I'm no stalker." I say in a playful voice.

Miyuki just starts to laugh at my statement.

"Ahahahaha...(y/n)-chan, most people know that about me, so don't worry I won't think you're a stalker. But what do you mean you became a thief?" he asks.

"You'll never know" I say trying to be coy.

"Heh...a mystery huh? Solving mysteries is one of my hobbies, you'll see" he replies.

"So is that all you know about me?" he asks.

"I wouldn't say thats all.....but I don't know if I should really speak about those things..." I trail off due to uncertainity.

"No-no, please tell me what you know (y/n)-chan. If its something good, it might help me figure this out" said Miyuki.

Sigh..."I honestly don't know if these information are any good but..." I subconsciously look away at the distance as I recall the events of his past....

"When you were younger, possibly in junior high, you were bullied by your senior league teammates but you showed up to practice the next day as bright as ever and as cheeky as always lol. When you were standing there smiling at your teammates the next day, you looked incredibly strong and inspiring. You told them that 'On the ground, everyone is equal. Grade doesn't matter. You didn't discriminate against or favor anyone, you saw everyone as equal on the field which seemed very admirable to me. Watching you had taught me to be strong as well. It helped me to stay true to myself just as you were doing. And then, that day when you had your first game with Chris-senpai, even though you guys lost, you accepted the loss and looked forward to the future with excitement. You looked forward to the future the challenges with a positive mindset. You were absolutely incredible....." I say as I look at his direction and see an expression I was not expecting to see.


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