Part III- Proof

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After leaving from Miyuki's room as you stared at the baseball on your hand, your stomach was giving the signal that it's been a long time since you last ate. "it's past noon already, no wonder I'm hungry. If I remember correctly, their cafeteria should be around here...yup, here it is." You peek through the door and see that it's empty. You slowly walk inside and look around and see the fridge. "I must be getting very bold nowadays...." you think to yourself and open the fridge. You put the baseball inside your pocket, grab some Onigiri, water bottle and some side dishes and leave the cafeteria.

"This is stealing!!! I've become a thief now....You're going to jail (y/n)!!!"

"But then again, I'm stuck inside of an anime so I don't really have much of a choice sigh..." you think to yourself while munching away on the Onigiri.


It is now evening and you are sitting on the chair behind the storage room and waiting for Miyuki.

"Would he really come?" you question while staring at the baseball.

"Although he's childish and playful, he seems like a person who would be good at keeping secrets. Besides he's the only one who saw me so he's the only person I can ask for help."

"But knowing his personality, it won't be easy though.....He would definitely ask for something in return".

"It's getting dark now, his practice should've ended by now"

"Ugh that evil, cunning catcher!" you mutter aloud.

"Evil? You're the one holding my baseball a hostage" you hear his voice and look up. "Aren't you the evil one here Pj-chan?" he snickers

"KAZUYA! You came" you say with a beaming face.

"Well, I had to because you have my precious baseball as a hostage. Who knows how you tortured it" He says while snickering.

"Okay, okay, you had your fun. Here's your baseball." you hand him the ball and he takes it.

"You're not very good at this hostage thing are you Pj.....I need to stop calling you Pj-chan. May I know your name miss?" he asks.

"It's (y/n)" 

"Speaking of names, it seems like you already knew my name, have we met somewhere before?" he questions.

"No we've never met before." You answer

"So? Why did you ask me to come here?" He asks.

"Right....before I start, can you keep a secret Kazuya?" you ask him with a serious expression

"Of course (y/n)-chan! I'm the best secret keeper here" he says while giving you a questionable smile.


"Well, he's the only option I have right now" you think to yourself.

"Let's sit down" you say as you both sit down on the ground facing each other.

"I called you here because I need your help, you're the only one I've met here and I can't really trust anyone else with this. I'm gonna tell you something that you might find unbelievable." you tell him this but start to think.......

"Hold on (y/n), I can't tell him that he's just an anime character, because to him, this is his world and everyone in the club is working hard like crazy to win their games. if they find out it's just an anime, what if he and the team gets confused and somehow  it affects their morals!! No-no I definitely cannot tell him that I know him because he's an anime character. Ugh...what do I tell him? I can say I'm from another dimension maybe? That sounds ridiculous though...but then again it's kind of like another dimension....." you're deep in thought about this and did not realize that you have gone quiet for a while.

"(Y/n)-chan? are you okay?" his voice bring you back from your thoughts.

"Y-yes!" you reply.

"I have to tell him something though" you think...

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I'm not from around here....hehe (nervous laugh)...and I don't really know anyone here either so can you help me out?" You ask pleadingly.

Miyuki just looks at you suspiciously.

"Sigh....okay here's the story, I'm... not from this world. Well, more like I'm from a different dimension or timeline.....or something like that.......It's complicated to explain" You drift off as you see a dumbfounded look on Miyuki's face

In the next instant, he bursts out laughing leaving you with a confused look on your face.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAH....." You're hillarious (y/n)-chan."

"Sigh.....I knew you wouldn't believe me" you say exasperated. 

"I know it sounds unbelievable so I'll prove it to you. From where I am from, everything in this world...or rather this timeline, have already happened. If I tell you something that's gonna happen in the future, will you believe me?" You question with a determination.

"(Y/n)-chan, are you actually saying that you can tell the future?" He repeats laughing and giving you a smirk before continuing. "Hm..idk if what you're saying is true or not, but it definitely sounds interesting" he says with a big grin.

"Alright! I'll tell you something good. Let's see...." You try to think of somethings you can tell him that won't change anything in major in this 'world'. 

"I'll tell you three things that will happen tomorrow and if I'm right, you'll have to believe me." You say to him confidently.

He looks at you intently and gives you a smile which you take it as his answer to continue.

"First, you guys have a practice game with Ichidai Third high tomorrow afternoon, Sawamura will not go to watch that game. He will stay back to practice."

"Don't worry, this info is just to increase your interest in what I'm going to tell you next. What I'm about to say next are the most important info so listen well." You say while trying to make an all-knowing smile

"Haha...are you going to tell me the results of the game (y/n)-chan?" says Miyuki teasingly.

"I know the score but I won't tell you. I don't want it to affect the game in any way. This is the second piece of information. When you are first at bat in the first inning, the count will be 1 ball, 2 strike and at that time, the pitcher, Manaka, will throw a slider to the inside. If you have the slightest trust in me at that point, don't hesitate to swing your bat." You say to him with a wink and see that the boy has a very serious look on his face, which is rare.

"Alright. Lastly, Tanba will be replaced by Kawakami in the fifth inning." As you finish talking, you try to read his face to see if he believes you or not but there's no clue there. All you see is him looking directly at you with an expression you've never seen on him before. Almost like a serious yet blank face.

Not knowing what he's thinking, you continue talking. "O-of course you won't know if I'm telling the truth or not until I won't ask you to help me for today. Since I'm not from here, can you at least show me to a nearby park or something?" You say to him nervously because now you're worried that you might have to spend the night in a park bench. Of course you had never slept anywhere outside in your life so it was nerve wrecking to think about it. While you're thinking about it, he finally speaks.


"Yes?" you look up to him with anticipation as he keeps talking...

"If what you're saying is true then...." he says with a serious face

"then, It will be so AMAZING!!!" he says while his face is beaming and you can almost see stars in his eyes.

"Eh?" you say dumbfounded as you had not expected this reaction from him

"Anyway, even if I don't know if it's true or not, I can't just let you sleep in a park. Come with me." saying this with a dazzling smile which makes your heart jump in your chest, you follow him without a word.

"Wonder where he's taking me"

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