Part VII- Intrigued

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When I looked back at miyuki, I saw him staring at me intently as if he was studying or analyzing me. Meanwhile, his eyes seemed to show a mixture of surprise, confusion, doubt and fascination all at once.

"Oh-no, have I accidentally said something I shouldn't have? Did I shock him too much by what I've said? Ughhh....(y/n), you dumbass! why did you have to blabber so much about all that. He's probably shocked to the core, I mean if someone knew this much about me I'd probably be shocked too. I'd even be creeped out....!!!! oh crap! what if he thinks I'm creepy or I'm a stalker now or something!!!!" My head goes crazy with these thoughts due to the silence.

Miyuki's POV:

As I listen to (y/n) talk about my childhood, I feel a chill run down my spine not because I'm afraid or creeped out, but because I realize now that there is no way for her to know all of this unless she was there on all of those days. For her to know these, she would have to be there on the day when my junior league senpai were bullying me and the next day as well. And not only that, she knows about my first game with Chris senpai too. If she's been there during all of these events, I definitely would have noticed her at some point, but I don't remember ever seeing her. For her to know this much about me, not to mention the things she said about today's game, all of this can't be nothing. If she knows all of this, what else does she know? I'm so curious...does she know about the other guys too? Just how much more does she know?

While listening to her talk and thinking about these, I don't notice her stop talking until I see her staring at me. Without thinking much, I bluntly ask what was on my mind.

Your POV:

As I try to calm my chaotic mind, Miyuki finally speaks...."Oh thank the lord he's not quiet anymore...." I think in my mind.

"(Y/n), there's more to you, isn't there?" he finally replies while trying to read my expression.

I only give him a blank stare because his question catches me off guard and I'm not really sure where he is going with the question.

Due to my silence, he continues...

"If you were just from a different timeline, you wouldn't have known all this about me unless... you knew me personally in your timeline, right? How do you know me? Even when we met the first time, you knew my name without my self-introduction...."

He sees me look uneasy and stops talking as if he was stopping himself from asking any more questions.

"Sorry (y/n)-chan, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, heheh..." he says in a soft, carefree tone.

Miyuki's POV:

"(Y/n), there's more to you isn't there?" I ask her.

As a reply to my question, she only shows me a blanked out expression. Maybe she's confused so I continue...

"If you were just from a different timeline, you wouldn't have known all this about me unless... you knew me personally in your timeline, right? How do you know me? Even when we met the first time, you knew my name without my self-introduction...."

'Just who are you?'....I stop before I can ask her this question because I notice her looking uncomfortable. Maybe I should stop before I make her really uncomfortable.

"Sorry (y/n)-chan, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, heheh..." I say hoping to change the atmosphere.

Your POV:

"It's fine, I'm not uncomfortable Kazuya." I say as I give him a soft smile and continue "but I can't answer those questions right now, I'm sorry" I reply as I give him an apologetic smile.

"I understand. I won't force you, but I hope you will tell me about it one day (y/n)-chan" he says as he gets up and gives me a playful smile.

"Oh and the game went just as you described it" he said with a wink and that classic Miyuki smile while walking towards the gate.

Mrs. Sato arrives just as Miyuki reaches the gate. She invites him in and apologizes for being away while he came to visit. Miyuki says he has to go back to the dorm now but he will be back another day. Mrs. Sato hands him a small box of cookie from the bag she was carrying. She said she was helping the neighbor bake some cookies and they gave her some because it was her recipe. He takes the cookies from her and thanks her then waves bye to me.

"See ya, (y/n)-chan" he says with a bright smile.

"See ya" I wave back.

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