Quackity II Lonely

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Author's Note: I was supposed to publish this story on December 25th, however, I felt very unmotivated to write the ending.

Despite it being overdue for the holidays, I decided to finish it since I didn't want to trash the idea. I promise to work on other stories much faster!

I apologize if you do not celebrate Christmas, and for my Spanish not being great. Correct me if you can, I'd really appreciate it!

I hope you enjoy reading ♡

| ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ |

To pass the time away, secretly waiting to hear from them, in the way her ear pressed against the phone just to hear their voice. She slightly opened her lips desperately begging to speak. Yet, she felt a soft panic growing or fading from within. Her nails were already bitten down as she waited. Nothing but a ringing sound filled the silence.

Y/N wasn't the best at making phone calls, it was the one thing that always made her feel uneasy. Hearing the phone buzz on repeat didn't make things any better. It rose the tension when you're waiting for the other person to pick up. In those short few moments, she'd either bite her nails till they're gone or dig her nails into the palm of her hand, and she'd barely notice.

You can't help but doubt yourself as you're waiting. Wondering whether or not it was a good idea to even call this certain someone, or maybe you're just wasting their time. Y/N struggled to think straight. She struggled to plan what to say next if the person were to pick up and say hello. What if they never picked up? Would that mean they're no longer friends? Did they hate her for calling? Or maybe-

"What's good Y/N?" Sapnap said cheerfully.

"H-Hey Sapnap! I just wanted to call because I wanted to ask— or I was wondering what your plans for the holidays were?" Her fingers twirled around the ends of her hair.

"My plans? Uh," Sapnap paused for a moment to recall his thoughts. "I think I'm spending time with Dream and George. Why?" He asked.

"O-Oh, I thought we could spend Christmas together this year. Like old times?"

"Man, my bad Y/N I don't think I can make it this year."

"That's okay! I'm so sorry for bothering you... Hope you have a Merry Christmas!" She hanged up the phone immediately and took a shuddering breath and gathered her strength before dialing another number when she was ready. One down two more to go, she thought.

"Hey, Karl! I thought maybe we could spend Christmas together again like we did last year!" Y/N forced a cheery voice despite being a nervous wreck.

"I'm so sorry Y/N! But I'm spending time with my family this year. I can guarantee next year we can though!"

"That's okay... Thank you for your time. Tell your family I said Merry Christmas!"

"Thank you, they'll really appreciate that! Take care Y/N!" He blew a fake kiss and hung up.

Y/N sighed, wanting to give up. Her fingers shakily rose above another number. Quackity. Two down one more to go, it should've been easy. Her confidence was much lower causing her to hesitate. She hesitated because she should've gotten the two phone calls right the first time. Small errors like these would haunt her for life.

For the last time, Y/N took the leap of faith and pressed the call button. Her remaining confidence now depended on this call. She pressed the phone against her ear and waited, and waited, and waited...

He didn't pick up.

The next few weeks were spent buying presents for her friends. Since she was unable to see them in person, another alternative was to ship out the presents. The wrapping paper for this occasion and tying the ribbons or strings together that usually adorned her hair was what made the season more fun. She vividly remembered her family members teaching her how to wrap presents...

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 II 𝐌𝐂𝐘𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now