Punz II Retrouvailles

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Author's Note: Here to deliver Punz content since some people requested him (I'm excited to work on more Oneshots involving him!). I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ♡

Context: Retrouvailles - Happiness of meeting someone again after a very long time.

| ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ |

Y/N woke up as if it was an emergency. A bit annoyed she rouse from her heavy slumber and snatched away from her delightful dreams. Hearing the ring go off her phone, Y/N hated that sound. She looked out her window not seeing a single beam of light outside. Then Y/N checked the time, three am. She didn't recall setting an alarm this early in the morning...

"Wha... Huh? Who's calling me at this time?" Y/N groaned, she wasn't supposed to be awake for another couple of hours. Sleep was something Y/N desperately needed nowadays. Lately work had been getting the best of her meaning every second of sleep she could get counted.

She rolled onto her side, blindly grabbing her phone from her nightstand. Ending the call without checking the number. Probably just some spam callers trying to steal her credit card information. Well, not today. Y/N placed her phone back on the nightstand. Relieved she can continue sleeping well for the remaining few hours. Wanting nothing more than to curl up into a little ball, pulling up the blankets over her shoulders, and fall back asleep.

Not even a few moments later her phone rang again. Y/N grabbed her pillow, using it to cover her ears hoping to escape from the annoying sound. Hoping and praying that it'd stop. Yet the ringing continued longer than usual. Reluctantly she scooped up the phone, checking who was calling her. It was from Punz. And a couple of missed messages from him that were sent a few minutes ago. Y/N raised a brow, as she answered the call.

She listened for a moment before speaking. "Punz? The fuck, it's three am. I have work tomorrow." She pressed her lips together.

"Then what are you doing awake?" Y/N could hear his smile.

"You're the one who—"

"Look, do you wanna hang out?" He interrupted her going straight to the point. A hint of desperation in his tone.

Y/N narrowed her eyes, starting to have her suspicions. "At this time? Can't we plan this after I get off work tomorrow?"

It had been a while since they last talked to each other in person. Despite the many planned attempts, one or the other would cancel last minute due to something coming up. Punz was busy with his streamer life while Y/N was busy with her work life. Their schedules were never compatible with one another. If they were lucky every few months they'd be able to see each other at least once. Grabbing a bite to eat or hanging out at the other person's home.

It was a shame the days would end faster whenever they were together. Perhaps it was true time goes by fast whenever you're having fun. Y/N wished for the hours in a day to be longer. The memories of spending time with him would become the same as a dream. Playing time and time again. She was her happiest, in a way she hadn't felt before or since. Although it was difficult, they continued to stay as friends and not give up. At least they were able to text and call each other.

"I'm already at your front door." She heard a quiet knock that echoed with the call. "It's best not to keep me waiting." He chuckled.

"What the— Now wait just a minute-!" Y/N tried to protest.


𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 II 𝐌𝐂𝐘𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now