Chapter 7:What It Takes to Be a Hero

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(Fuyumi and Natsuo have entered the chat and was brief about what was happening)

 All Might's pro hero debut video can be seen on the screen. All might laughs carrying numerous civilians out of a disaster zone. "Fear not, citizens. Hope has arrived. Because I am here."

Then, the young Midoriya can be seen watching the video. " He's the coolest in the Universe! And once I get my quirk, I'm gonna be a hero, just like him!" Midoriya says.

"Before anyone ask,our Ingenium must have asked one of our IT support members to access our memories for a recap after each set of memories."Deku explained knowing how his classmates think.

 The screen then switches to the hospital. " Sorry, Kid, It's not gonna happen," the doctor tells the young Midoriya.

Then Midoriya is shown on the rooftop that the last episode ended on. " Even if I'll never have superpowers..." his voice can be heard narrating.

The scene from the school can be seen. "You're worse than the rest of these rejects, you quirkless wannabe. Do you really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me? You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best," Bakugo tells Midoriya.

" Even if everyone thinks I'm useless..." Midoriya continues.

"I'm sorry, Izuku. I wish things were different," Midoriya's mom tells the young Midoriya as tears run down both their faces.

" Mom. That's not what I needed you to say. Couldn't you see? Despite everything, I still dream. And I have to know," Midoriya finishes narrating.

"Is it possible to become a hero, even if I don't have a Quirk? I'm a normal kid without any powers. Could I ever hope to be someone like you?" Midoriya asks All Might.

This causes All Might to stop walking and turn his head, " Without a quirk? " All Might suddenly hunches over in pain and steam starts to appear off of his body. 'Oh, no. Not now, dammit! Not here!' All Might thinks to himself.

 "All Might!" some of the students yelled.

"Oh no," others said.

"What's happening?" some asked.

     Midoriya doesn't notice what is happening to All Might and continues talking, "People think I don't have a chance. That not having any powers makes me some kinda weakling. My classmates like to make fun of me. But you know what? That makes me wanna prove them wrong." More steam appears around All Might.

"Midoriya, look up," a bunch of his classmates yelled at the screen.

"We really need to work on your situational awareness, problem child," Aizawa said, making the boy squeak.

" Ever since I was a kid I've thought that saving people is the coolest thing you can do. I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe. And be the kind of hero everyone in the world looks up to. Just like you!" Midoriya finally looks up, just as the steam clears, and All Might is seen, but he is skinny and looks like Toshinori. Midoriya screams in shock. 

"You knew this whole time?!" the students  exclaimed as Midoriya just nodded.

"But how did that happen in the first place,All Might?"Yaoyorozu asked turning to All Might who was behind her.

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