Chapter 3:The Revelation

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(Just a reminder.The future heroes will refer to the students by their names and the teachers by their hero name.Both teachers and students will call the future heroes by their hero names)

The next Morning

Third Person POV

After Todoroki messaged Lida about training together as a class,Lida couldn't say no so he agreed with Todoroki and messaged the class about it.Everyone instantly agreed,even Bakugo!

Moments later,Aizawa sensei messaged him that he was comong over tomorrow around the same time as their training so he took a mental note of that.

But to Class 1A's surprise,not only was their homeroom teacher sitting on one of the couches in the common room but also Midnight,All Might(in his true form),Shinso from General Studies,Hatsume from Support and Tetsutetsu and Kendo from Class 1B.

"We know why the teachers are here but what are you 4 doing here?"Uraraka asked Shinso,Tetsutetsu,Kendo and Hatsume.

Before anyone could answer,the door of the dorm opened,attracting eveyone's attention, and in came Amajiki,Hado and Togata,U.A's Big Three.

"Hado senpei!!Why are you here?"Uraraka exclaimed as she and Tsuyu rushed over to her.

"Togata got a message from Midoriya about training together so we accepted and came!"She exclaimed.

"Huh.I got the same message from Midoriya."Shinso suddenly spoke,followed by a 'me too' from Hatsume.

"Aizawa and I got a message from Todoroki to come here."Midnight said.

"Me and Kendo got a message each from Kirishima about the training also."Tetsutetsu said.

"I got a message from Young Bakugo to come here as well."All Might said which shocked Class 1A.

"Bakugo!?!"Kaminari shouted in shock.All Might nodded.

Despite the chaos,Aizawa noticed that their purpose here in the common room was different from the teachers.He also noticed that Midoriya,Todoroki,Bakugo and Kirishima were not in the room.Aizawa thought.

Why did you get yourself into again,problem children?

Midoriya POV

It was about 9.45 in the morning and we were getting ready to head to the common room.I was wearing the same attire from yesterday except I wore my gym jacket over my shirt.Deku was already wearing his his hero costume but not his mask.

"Deku,you said you will be wearing your mask."He turned to me and nodded.

"Where is it?"I asked as he let out a chuckle.He then wore his hood and a black mask digtally appeared on his face.

"Wow!That's awesome!"I exclaimed.

"Yeah.Once the hood is now,the sensor in the suit will automatic make the mask appear."He explained as I nodded.I looked over my clock to find that it was almost time to head down.

"Hey Deku,is your team ready?"

"Let me check."

Suddenly,he pressed his watch that was on his left side and the same holgraphic screen and keyboard appeared but in a smaller form,around the size of a computer screen.He started typing something and got 3 responds almost immediately.After that,he tapped his watch again and everything disappeared.


"I will explain later about the technology.Now,let's go."He said and I nodded.

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