What Happened to One For All?

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Midoriya POV

After the 3rd episode,everyone went their separate ways to talk with their friends.My squad and I were now talking about random things when my mother came along with Kacchan and his parents.

"Izuku..."Mom said sounding like she was about to have a breakdown.

"What is it,Mom?"I asked.When she didn't respond,I got worried.I was about to ask her again when I was suddenly pulled into a hug from her.

"M-mom?!"I squeaked out.

"I'm so sorry,Izuku.I was supposed to be there for you but I wasn't.I didn't know about the bullying.I wasn't there to support your dream.I wasn't able to protect you like I promised."Mom suddenly confessed to me,shocking me.


"Mom.I didn't tell about the bullying because I didn't want to worry you.You were already stress over raising me as a single mother and I didn't want to add on to the load.I understand why you didn't support my dream because you were worried about my well being.You wanted to protect me.But now,I'm training to become a hero and I want to be the one to protect you,Mom."I comforted her making her sob on my chest.I just let her cry since the stress she was feeling have been overwhelming on her.

After a while,her sobbing calmed down to just little hiccups.She lifted her head off my chest and we locked eyes.I gave her my bright smile as she returned the gesture before both of us hugged each other.We pulled away after a while.

"Izuku..."I turned my head to Aunt Mitsuki behind Kacchan.


"Katsuki has something to tell you.Isn't that right,Katsuki?"Mitsuki told her son before he grunted and faced me.

"Zukkun..."Kacchan suddenly said shocking me as well as the dekusquad and parents.Kacchan stopped using that nickname after his quirk came about.Hearing him say my old nickname almost made me cry.

"I-I...I'm so sorry...I know I've been a huge jerk to you for a decade and I know that this would probably not be enough for you to forgive me but I'm really sorry!"Kacchan said before kneeling on his knees making our jaws dropped to the fall.

He is apologizing...kneeling...Bakugou Katsuki,my childhood friend,is apologizing and kneeling in front of me!?!

"K-Kacchan..."I shuttered out.

"N-no,Zukkun,listen.The reason I bullied you was because I was worried.I know you wanted to be a hero like All Might but I was worried because of your lack of a quirk.That you would charge into a battle without one and end up injuried or dead.So I bullied you because I wanted to knock some sense into you but I did the opposite.I injuried you using my quirk and I even told you to jump off the building.I regretted the moment it left my mouth but I was too prideful to admit it."

"But when I saw you trying to save me from the sludge villian and when the villian attacked you,I was afraid that my fear was going to come true.That you were going to die.That I was able to protect you.I'm so so sorry,Zukkun!!I don't want to lose my brother!!"Kacchan sobbed out.

It felt like time suddenly stopped around us.I know Kacchan was prideful about himself but seeing him like this is something else.I don't even know what to say.He was worried about me?He wanted to protect me?He didn't want me to die?So many thoughts were playing in my head at the moment.

Kacchan was still kneeling on the floor with his head on the floor.No one was moving due to utter shock.I mean,it's not everyday you see the resident boom boy actually give a real apology.No less to his childhood friend.Luckily,we were standing at the far corner of the threater room so that we wouldn't draw so much attention from everyone in the room.I finally snapped out of my trance and want to kneel in front of my brother.

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