Chapter 9:Start Line

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The entrance to UA High School could be seen on the screen.

"The hallowed grounds of UA. The school with the best hero training course in the world, the place every kid wants to go. Sure, there are similar programs out there, but they don't hold a candle to UA's, which is why it's almost impossible to get in. The school's alumni list is a 'who's who' of idols. All Might, the most famous pro there is," Midoriya began to narrate.

"All Might!" the class yelled as the hero chuckled at them from the back of the room.

"The legendary peacekeeper, with the most wins under his belt. The Fiery hero: Endeavor," Midoriya continued as the Pro heroes he mentioned appeared on the screen.

"Fiery hero: Endeavour? More like flaming trashcan: Endewhore," Midoriya said in disgust, causing most of the people in the room to look at him in confusion. The dekusquad and Natsuo tried to control their laughter but failed, and Todoroki and his brother fell off the couch laughing so hard while their sister was judging them and shaking her head. This made everyone else even more confused.

"Not to mention the denim-clad, award-winning marvel, Best Jeanist."

Kirishima and Sero tried to hold in their at Bakugou's hair after the intership while there was a wild and fuming Katsuki Bakugou in the room.

"Graduating from UA is basically a requirement if you wanna be a great hero. And so, I held my head high and marched towards the entrance exams. This was it. The first step towards achieving my dream of becoming a pro," Midoriya finished narrating.

The Intro began to play.

"Excuse me, little listener, I think you forgot some pros in that list. Where was I or Midnight or Eraserhead?" Present Mic said, pouting.

"Are you jealous, Zashi," Aizawa asked, chuckling.

"What! Me jealous? No!" Present Mic said, blushing, causing the room to laugh at him.

"Nope.You're clearly jealous over this."Aizawa and Midnight said chuckling while Present Mic glared at them.


The intro ends, and the battle center that Midoriya was at is shown on the screen. It's a huge area filled with buildings, almost as big as a city.

"This is nuts."

"It's like a whole city."

"Can you imagine how much it cost to build this?"

"UA is amazing!"

Midoriya had a flashback to the theater they were just in. "Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings. Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo. " Present Mic said as the screen behind him changed to show the three robots, and then a mini present mic figure crushing them. The flashback ended.

'Okay, this is it. A mock battle. How come none of these guys seem nervous at all. Are they that confident? Oh, some of them even have special gear,' Midoriya thought to himself, looking around at the students. Shoji, Aoyama, and Uraraka can be seen in the crowd of students.

"Shoji," Ojjro said.

"It's me," Aoyama pointed out.

"Uraraka, it's you again," Ashido said

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