Chapter 11: Rage, you damn nerd

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After the whole breakdown, everything was slowly going back into their seats to prepare for the next episode when Hizashi pulled Aizawa to a corner,telling the students that there was something he needed to discuss something with their teacher.

"Sho,do you think we should tell them about our relationship?I don't want to constantly let go of your hand whenever you or any of the UA staff wants to grab the student's attention.I want to call you all the nicknames I have without making you feel uncomfortable.I mean, with our hero duties increasing, we barely have time with each other and the family.I just want to be close with you right now..."Hizashi said shyly as he held his husband's held tightly while looking down on the floor.

Aizawa looked at his husband fondly before pulling him into a hug.After the revealation of what happened to him in the future,Hizashi has been sticking to his side like a koalo.Well,you can't really blame him since he just found out that his husband almost died again.

"Of course you can.I don't mind.I actually wanted to ask the same thing."Aizawa said fondly which caused his husband to pull away from the hug and snap his head up to look at him.

"Are you sure??"

"Of course."Aizawa said smiling.

"Alright!!But how should we reveal it??"Hizashi asked.Aizawa thought for a moment before looking at his husband smirking.

"How about a bet?"Aizawa asked smirking.Hizashi raised an eyebrow at the suggestion.

"If you are able to hold out for the entire first set of memories without exposing us, you wouldn't have to be on dishes cleaning duty for a week."Aizawa suggested.

"Alright,starlight."Hizashi said determinedly.


Midoriya stands in the circle, getting ready to throw the ball for the second time.

'Even if I have a lot to learn... I'll focus on what I can do right now. Smash!' Midoriya thought as he threw the ball into the air, channeling One for All into his index finger. The ball went flying into the air. 

"Definitely the highlight of the day."Sero said as other nodded in agreement.

'It hurts, but not as bad as before.' He looked down at his broken, purple finger.

Midoriy and Deku suddenly stiffen as the sudden pain came rushing ot his broken finger like a bullet train.They bended over and held their injured finger to their chest while sinking their teeth into their bottom lip.

The dual quirk users quickly took notice of their lovers' position and took immediate action.Both of them carefully uncurled their boyfriends to see their faces covered in sweat and pain painted on their faces as they bit down harder on their bottom lip.They carefully remove the OFA users' hand from their chest using their right hand and activated their quirk in order to at least ice the pain.

Aizawa looked down at his measuring device which read 705.3m. 'A throw like that required a lot of force. Did he focus all that power into one finger?' he thought.

"Aizawa-Sensei. You see? I'm still standing," Midoriya told his teacher, clenching his fist.

"This kid," Aizawa said, smiling.

The intro began to play.


The intro ends and class 1-A is seen watching Midoriya throw the softball.

"He threw it over 700 meters!" Kaminari pointed out.

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