Chapter 1:Our unexpected visitors

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It was another normal day at Class 1A dorm.After a long day at school,the students headed to their individual rooms to rest since they were going to have a battle,similar to the sports festival, against one another tomorrow(Friday).All of them said goodight to each other,except Bakugo,and started to drift off to sleep.However,4 students in particular were in for a surprise.

Midoriya POV

 Izuku Midoriya was definitely not expecting to wake up to the sound of coughs and wheezing in his room at 5 in the morning.However,when he opened his eyes and turned his lamp that was on his nightstand on,he was met with sight which caused his brows to furrow.

At the corner of my room,a man who looked like he was in his 20s was coughing and wheezing roughly and was struggling to keep himself upright against the wall with his head up facing me.

He was wearing a costume that was identical to mine except for the fact that it was designed black with green highlights.He was wearing a black hood over his head and a black mask as well.

However,I realized that the man was looking awfully simliar to me.

Despite wearing the hood,I could see that he has my signature green curly hair and freckles on each side of his cheek as well as my familiar green eyes.The man at the corner suddenly started coughing out blood which landed on his costume while he held a hand over an incredibly bloody wound on his right arm.

"Are...Are you okay?"I asked hesistantly as I made my way towards him carefully.

The man visibly stiffened from my voice and his eyes widen in shock.Despite wearing a mask,he whispered out of breath,"It worked..."

Suddenly,the man staggered his way towards me as I stepped backwards.

"What-"I tried to speak but got interupted by the man who was towering over me as he placed his hand on my shoulder after removing his mask.My eyes almost popped out as I saw the man's face right in front of me clearly.

It was ME!?!

"Izuku.I know this is going to sound crazy but I'm you,alright? 26 years old - pro hero name <Deku>"

"But this doesn't make any sense..."I said still in a state of shock.

"Look...I..."The man squeezed his eyes shut before continuing.

"Your name is Izuku Midoriya.You're about 15 years old.You lost against Todoroki during the Sports Festival but you helped him to use his fire." 

I wasn't very convinced although our uncanny similarity almost made me reconsider my decision.

"A-Anyone could know that if they were at the Sports Festival or watching it."I repiled uneasily.

"The reason he didn't use his fire was because he has a awful relationship with his father,Endeavor."

"That's-"I was cut off yet again as the man continued.

"You were best friends with Katsuki Bakugo as a child.His nickname for you was 'Deku' because you were diagnosed as quirkless when you were four years old.However,you received One For All from All Might and became its ninth holder,which is how you are a hero now."

My eyes widen once again as all the information he told me were way too accurate for this person to be an imposter.

"You're really me?!"

The man - now known as my future self - gave me a small smile before covering another hoarse cough.

"Yes,Izuku.Look,I know this is hard to believe but-"

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