Chapter 4:The Horrible Future

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(I'll use underline for the text/info from the future)

Midoriya POV

After Ground Zero typed a few more things into his keyboard,the holographic screen lit up.

"Hatsume Industries"a robotic voice said and was followed by a series of mumbles.

"This goes"

"Oh!That's my father's company!!"Hatsume exclaimed.

The camera slowly moved upwards and a familiar-looking pink haired woman suddenly appeared.

Hatsume adruptly stood up from her seat as she shrieked,"What the hell!?!"

A few students did a double take until Midoriya decided to speak out for everyone,"Is that Hatsume?"

Red Riot hums and said,"Everyone,meet our IT specialist,Mei Hatsume."

"She's also the one who designed and build our suit."Frostfire added as everyone started clapping for Hatsume.

After Hatsume finish fiddling with the camera,she placed her hand on her hips as her eyes shined.

"Alright,I'm Mei Hatsume and I was hoping to say something to lighten the mood but now isn't really the best time."

"Wait...why does she look for panicked?And why isn't it 'the best time'?"Mina asked concerned which caused everyone to take a glance towards the future heroes.

"Just watch it."Deku said sadly as everyone turned their attention back to the screen.

Suddenly,as series of explosion could be heard from a distance followed by shouting and screaming.Hatsume looked towards the right before shaking her head turning back to the camera.

What's happening? Everyone thought

"Alright so I can finally make these things work."She said as she looked around her surroundings before picking up 5 disc-like objects and showcasing it to the camera.

"My most precious and probably life saving babies of all time!"After a while,she brought them down while frowning and mumbled

"Ok,let me be realistic here.I...I don't think all of us can make it out alive."

Tension suddenly filled the room.

"Wait...but...Deku,Frostfire,Ground Zero and Red Riot are here with us."Kirishima said in confusion.

"This doesn't make any sense."Midoriya said uncomfortably.

After all eyes left the heroes,everyone found themselves suddenly being glued to the screen despite the uncomfortable slience.

After a brief and tense slience,she shook her head and looked at the camera with a smile.

"That's why I created these babies behind me!"She exclamined before moving out of the camera's point of view to show 4 individual caspsule-looking machines that were colour coded to match the heroes' costume.

Another distant explosion was heard(followed by a series of muffled cursing and shouting yet again) causing Hatsume to flick her eyes to the right and her shoulders to rise.However,she continued talking.

"As you just heard,the world is kinda ending outside.I know that's crazy and whatever but it's true..."

Everyone's eyes suddenly widen at the news and flicked their eyes to the future heroes who were all looking down.

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