Code I

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I looked at the tall man who cleaned up the office. Is he new here? Never seen him before now. For a week, I saw him moved around the office, silent, serious, with a face that was more suited to grace the cover of a magazine, rather than wiping and cleaning the dust. Good looks were not a rarity in this office, since we were a company that house artists and models alike.

When he came near my desk, I looked at him with a smile on my face, the standard for an artist manager to always show a pleasant expression. Sometimes, even if we faced stressful situations, we just bit the curse from been blurted out, and tried to ease the tension. Only well recognised artists could be demanding, whereas for I who usually tasks with a newbie, more time than not, I had to lower my head to appease the clients.

The guy didn't even bother to look at me, just doing his job to empty the waste bin. I was determined to hear his voice, thus making up small talk out of nothing.

"Are you new here? It's just this week that I started to see you around. Or, are you already worked at this building for long and only now moved from another floor to this one?"

He tied the plastic bag, and just stood up, without answering nor even acknowledging that he heard my question. When he turned, I grabbed his wrist tight. Usually, I would just let something liked this, go. Rejection was not uncommon when pitching for jobs for the artist under your care, but somehow, this time I felt triggered to be ignored. He didn't pull his hand away, nor turned to look at me. It was almost as if he just wanted for me to be the one who relent.

I stood up and walked to his front. For the first time I could see how dark his eyes are, with that bold eyebrows and sharp nose. Damn, this is a look some actors would kill to have.

"You heard me, I am sure of that. I also understood, it's your choice to not answer anything. Maybe I am being ridiculous as it is, but say a word; say no, or go to hell, or whatever; except silence. Your silence will only cause me to pester you more, maybe everyday, and trust me, determination is my job's requirement. So, if you don't want me to be an annoying, clinging monkey, just one word, then, I'll let you go and honour my word to not pester you at all".

His eyes that focused on me, suddenly got a devilish shine in them. Is it just me, or is has become...too quiet? Liked, the sound of chattering and movements, sounded so far away. Unconsciously, my heart beat out of rhythm. It was as if, some soft invisible touch, was caressing the tip of my fingers, prying them open, not with force, but with an alluring, gentle persuasion, causing me to feel some sort of feeling, that finally, my tight hold loosen on it's own. I was speechless.

Without a word, he walked passed me, and out through the door. And, only then, I could feel my surroundings again. I looked around, people were moving as usual, nothing amiss, as if the happening just now, was trapped in an arrested time, just between him and me.


That was danger in a petite form. I almost loose it, his touch sent a shockwave so potent, that all I could do, was standing there motionless, that a little movement would be a disaster in waiting. He dare to come around and stood in front of me.

So clear, eyes that shined with rock solid focus, darting to every inch of my face, felt liked a caressing finger, lightly moving, enticing, that made my blood boiled with simmering want, causing me to look at him with something akin to a hunger, till it made him nervous. Gosh, that heartbeats were too loud, drumming, almost liked a staccato.

He wanted to pester me everyday? That will be a huge problem then, because the moment he touched me, I could feel the burn, meaning, his skin already imprinted on mine, that we were becoming connected. After this, close proximity, would become liked a resistance test, a seduction so strong that calling me to just surrender to my dark nature. Looking at the sweetness of such face, the temptation to devour, would be hard to fend off. I controlled the surrounding air to be stagnant, people won't realise what's happening. This cocoon, only consisted of us.

The connection allowed me to enter his mind, though I was never keen on doing so, unless necessary. Using his thought as a medium, I instilled the feeling as if a physical carress was there, moving on his skin, without any actual touch itself. With every minute that passed, his hold felt more and more liked a burning chain, which melted my skin. I was in pain, but the imprint must finished first, or else, any imperfection would be used by the Hunters to their benefit.

His eyes were darting, meaning he felt such carress, slowly, his grip was losing power, and in the end, I was let go.

I headed straight to the janitor room, opening the door, moving in, and came out from another one. Invisible pathway to any naked eyes, except us. I stood in front of the Enforcer, raising my brows and waiting for his words.

"Finally, Archen. Your key to a release, is found".

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