Code XVI

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"You are not supposed to mess with Nine! Your target is the body, which stand in front of you right now", I said to the man who looked at me with calculating glints in his eyes.

"The last time that you connected with Nine, you must know how vulnerable human emotions are. What interest me more, right now, is the fact that you, who used to not give a damn about anything, seemed to be in anger now. Ah, never thought that your defect could be corrected, but this is earth, so we could understand some unknown glitches may happen. Are you already in too deep with your key? Is it because of the novelty of finally having a pair, that caused you to be, ah, emotional? Hmm, this new progress shall be reported to the Enforcer then. Interesting indeed!".

"I don't care how much you want to tell the higher ups, if you hurt Nine, you won't like my retaliation".

"Don't just keep giving big talk, Archen. At this point in time, we are ahead of you. Just so you know, Joong decided to reconsider his decision, and will be part of the company. Nine really wanted that promotion, after all, we had played our card right".

"Really? That's only true if everyone acts the way of the Hunters, an endless greed to win. It seems that even though you came here earlier than me, your understanding of human nature is still shallow".

"Then, proved your own worth. If you think we are in the wrong, moved ahead faster and better. Ah, I just saw another line on your wrist, lost it's glow, is that because of what had just been revealed, that Joong is back in. Tsk, tsk...maybe, I don't have to do much as of now, and just watch the movie plays itself in front of me".

As soon as he said that, there's a knock on his door. Nine came in and immediately my whole body froze. Mr. Ta just smirked and asked Nine to sit at the other chair.

"Well, Nine, I understood that you must be confused to be called in earlier than our supposed meeting time. Since Joong is already here, might as well I see both of you at the same time".

Damn it! What is the time of the actual meeting? Joong could be coming in, and it would become a disaster. I didn't show my nerves to Nine, but Mr. Ta was laughing internally, knowing my agitation.

The discussion went on, and the clock was ticking. Half an hour had passed, lucky Joong hadn't arrived. This won't do! I connected and searched Nine's memory of the supposed time, got it. Mr. Ta looked at me, realising that I found out about that, smirked and continued to delay the time. Looking at my watch, all I got to spare, was about 15 minutes.

I almost opened up my mouth to speak, when suddenly Nine was hissing and holding his stomach. He stood up, and said a hurried excuse to Mr. Ta that the rest of the discussion would be done privately later with Joong, since he desperately needed a toilet break and went out.

Mr. Ta's smirk turned sour, and I just stood up and left. Childish play from the Hunters, to resort to trick play such as that!


"Joong, hello, this is Nine. Where are you right now?", as soon as I was out from the room, I went to the washroom and made a call.

"Driving, but this is hands free, so you could talk. I'm almost there, maybe in about 10 minutes".

So, my instinct was right. As soon as I entered Mr. Ta's room, and sat at his side, I could feel a strange vibe coming from the person besides me. My heart was thudding the whole time in there.

"I'm sorry, but something comes up, I needed to go out of the office, urgent matters. You don't have to come in, err, I'll go to your house tomorrow, to talk, alright?".

"Oh, bummer! Alright...but, don't break your words, Nine...cause I'll wait".

"No, don't worry, I'll really go. Sorry again, Joong".

Why did I do that? To save my sanity, or to save a stranger? . But, there can't be both of them here, really, things would become complicated and ridiculous. Now, I need to face that stranger again, and really find an answer.

I ran back in and looked around, he must had left while I was in the washroom. Taking the lift to the lobby, I asked the security if he saw the said person, showing picture from Joong's profile that I'd saved on my phone. The security pointed to the public parking lot in front of the office, and so I ran again, and just managed to catch him about to move already. I stood in front of his car, blocking him from leaving, and he braked in a rush. I could see his eyes widened. I went to the other side of the door, signaling him to open the door, and climbed in.

"Are you crazy?! What the heck were you doing?", he asked, almost liked a shout.

"Drive first, we need to be out from here...", I said without looking at his side. What I was doing right now, was borderline insane. But, when you're already half mad thinking about him for the past two weeks, at least now it was proven that he was real and I was not hallucinating.

He started to drive. We stayed silent for quite sometimes. Finally, when the road started to ease out of the city, he parked at the side of the road, and asked in confusion, "Nine, I was supposed to go home, but now, where shall we go? You wanted to take some air and then returned to the office, or what?".

"No. I've waited for long, to see you again. Thank god, you finally came".

"Waiting to see me? Hmm, missing me, much?", he teased. I turned and looked at him, some kind of simmering anger was boiling inside of me.

"No. You had an unpaid debt. You still owe me the food and boarding cost of last time. And also, you'd slept with me, so be...responsible".

"We did nothing, Nine. Besides, you, you're the one who insisted that we shared the bed.. ", he looked at me with darting eyes, and shook his head in disbelief.

"Yes. If you're Joong, then it's alright. But, you're...pretending to be him, so my consent, is cancelled!". The sudden outburst, came from a deep frustration within. I didn't know if I'll be killed or something. If this is a movie, maybe I am crazy to provoke him liked this!. But, somehow, before I die, I still wanted to know.

"Who the hell are you?".

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