Code VI

67 8 0

A few hours ago


I wore a better dress today. Because I was meeting Mr. Ta, the head of the company. As soon as I entered the room, one look at Mr. Ta gave me a huge sign that my hunch was true.

"Hello, Archen, do have a seat", he said and pointed to the sofa at the side of the room. I shook my head and remained standing in front of his desk. "Alright...then just asked away before your counter started. We have already given you ample time for the burn to heal and set properly after the imprint, which is a huge favour from us, considering your key is not as any other key who would simply obey orders".

"A huge favour? Don't give yourself a credit that is not owned. The time is not for my benefit, instead against it because you wanted my key to bond with Joong first, making it more difficult for me since our personality contrasted much. Thus, I needed to connect more time with Nine to see how Joong acted around him".

"Since you have already seen through the connections, then I will just skip all the hassle to explain patiently of this, shall I say, glitches. Well, you must know that time bend is unpredictable. Maybe, we are just lucky that you in earth existed at the same time of your key does. A very rare coincidence, mind you".

"Coincidence? Sometimes, I wanted the Hunters to quit being annoyingly polite, when your mind is full of trickery. You approached Joong and brought him into the company, so, coincidence my ass". The Hunters just smiled, an eerie kind that smelled rotten.

"Ah, Archen. That's what we like, and also fear of you. You are too sharp, in both mind, and that rude mouth. Then, let just start at this moment". I could feel the tattoo heated on my skin and glowed. "The time limit is vague, Archen. The lines will lose its' glow slowly, and before it blackened out, you must solve the test".

"Alright, name it now".

"To save a dying bloom", the Hunters said, and nothing else. He just raised his brows and dared me to ask, which was definitely useless since he wouldn't give anything away. I nodded and almost walked out, when he added, "Ah, I forgot. If Nine fall for Joong more than you, then consider your key is lost. We couldn't mess with his mind too much, couldn't we? Even right now, he is weary towards both of you, I wonder how much more confusion he could take before he...breaks".

I went out, and immediately searched for my key.


I looked at the back of the person who walked away not answering my question of whether I could stay or not. Why human liked to play a chasing game liked this, I couldn't fathom. To give a direct answer, save so much confusion and hassle. If it was on Another Earth, I wouldn't tolerate this much shit. But, the Joong that I saw in his mind, had a pleasant attitude and lots of patience, even when he was treated unfairly from the start. So, I couldn't simply yanked the collar of Nine's shirt and demand an answer. Damn! Persuasion and patience really are not my thing, and this is stupid, but it seems, I must wait.

After almost half an hour of sitting on the sand, looking at the beach and blue sky in front of me, I started to wonder why others felt this activity was calming. All I saw was, an endless trampling waters, and a blank sky. I sighed and took the book that Nine left there. The cover was embossed with a flowery pattern. Flowers... made me think back to what the Hunters said: To save a dying bloom. Gosh! Who wrote that test, anyway, too poetic and mushy. Ah, of course, someone without feeling such as me, then sentiment posed as the hardest test then. Damn those Hunters!.

"Joong...", the call did not register on my head first, I am Archen. But, when it was repeated again, I realized, oh right, Joong, as to Nine, I am Joong. I turned and looked at him. He gave me a can of cold drink, and sat at my side on the sand.

"Kim is still in work? How many hours already under this hot weather... ", I tried to start a conversation, which was really awkward for me, but I needed to be more at ease in this earth. I opened the can and took a gulp. Refreshing.

"Yup. This is how it is everytime. But, there's a schedule to follow...this glamour world, is only pretty to others eyes, but really it is a demanding work".

"Not bored, I meant, for you to wait? Why can't you leave him with the crews and rest at the hotel? Come back to pick him up later".

"He's underage. Anything happened, then it will be difficult to answer to his family. Besides, I never consider this as just a job, when your job includes people, then so many factors come into effect too".

"Such as?"

"Liked Kim, his work requires him to travel to locations all the time, long hours of working, from makeup to dress change and everything. Yet he is still young. He misses his family, rarely see friends, and studying through online. Can you imagine the pressure and loneliness, being in that environment, alone? So even though all I do is wait for him, at least he felt assured and could come and leaned on me when he is tired".

"Your logic, is one sided then...", I said matter of factly.

"What do you mean?".

"I heard Kim said you worked too hard, seeing nobody else except people in your work environment. You wanted to save people out of their loneliness. But, how about you, Nine?".

I could see his eyes blinked rapidly, yet no words came out of his lips.

"Aaa, seems liked, I am the first person who has ever asked you the question that you refused to ask yourself, because you don't want to admit the truth". I know all about loneliness, after living a hundred years without a pair, no one understood loneliness more than I do.

"And now, I guess, you're uncomfortable, your eyes are darting, your fingers fidgeting, that can you hold is almost dented. I'm sorry if it hurts you to hear that from me, who is almost a stranger".

I stood up, and again extended my palm. Maybe, I shouldn't put pressure so early on, that would scare him instead of pushing us closer.

"Lend me some money, I'll go".

Nine stood up too and faced me. My request was left hanging, thus, I brought my hand down again.

"How dare you judge me, Joong. We see each other less than a month, so don't pretend to read me so well".

"If I didn't tick something right, you won't be this mad". Nine was about to answer, but someone called urgently, loudly for him.

"Nine! Kim fainted!". Immediately, Nine turned and ran towards the call.

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