Code V

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I sat on the beach shaded under a tree. The wind was blowing, cooling up the sweat that ran down my face. Nong Kim, the young model that was on the rise, was in a photoshoot for an international brand targeting youth and young adult. The shoot had been going on for 2 days, since they wanted to capture day to night fashion style that match with hot and humid weather of Asian countries. This endorsement was lucrative indeed, to be chosen as an Asian representative could be a stepping stone to global market.

I put the book that I was reading, waiting game was a bit demanding, but because Kim was young, only reaching the tender age of 17, the company was reluctant to let him be without a manager in tow. This was to ensure that an adult was there to make a certain decision, if in case a demand outside as what had been agreed in the contract was needed. Yesterday, I already had to object when he was asked to pose too provocatively with the female model. Luckily, today, everything went by smoothly.

While lost in my thought, the sudden tap on my shoulder caused me to flinch a little in surprise. I looked up and immediately stood up to face the person that haunted my dream last night. Yes, maybe because the thought of him that crowded my mind during the whole drive here caused my sleep to be disturbed.

"Joong...what, I mean, why are you here?", I was startled and stuttering a bit.

"Vacationing". His answer was direct. I looked at his face that lacked a smile. So, he's back to being in that cold persona again. I wished that this outstation gave me a little space to breathe. But, now my heart was jumpy again.

"Vacationing on weekdays? What about wor... Oh, well, I forgot, you are in the freedom phase...", I mumbled.

"What is a freedom phase? Am I a prince stuck in a tower or something? I thought that only befitting for princesses", he smirked, but there's no shine in his eyes.

"Whatever, Joong...what a coincidence then that we happened to meet each other here".

"No". Again a cryptic single answer.

"No?, err, what?", I must had been burnt under the sun too much, again I felt the same disorientated feeling of talking in circle that always ended in confusion.

"I asked the office of your whereabout. They asked me to wait for your return, but the boss intervened and allowed me to come here". What's so special about him that the boss kept coming into the picture. I didn't approve of people who benefitted from using connection rather than talent. But, since I had yet to see what he got to offer, maybe I should reserve my opinion for later. Being judgemental was also not right.

"You want to discuss about work here? I thought I did say that we'll find the time later. I didn't bring any of your contract to look through together, in case you wanted to change any terms that not suited to your need. But, just so you know, our company respect every artist opinion and the agreement usually is mutually agreed. We only dismissed unreasonable demands".

"I am on vacation, I did tell you earlier".

This again started to be absurd, I ran my hand through my hair, sighing heavily, "Then, why did you follow me here, Joong? As you know, this is not a vacation for me, there, see Nong Kim over there, he is the one I'm managing here. I won't play around with you. So, go on enjoying your vacation first. We'll get back to your contract, once we are back at the city then, alright". Keep it in Nine, no matter how this frustrates you, hold it in.

"Well...actually, I needed your help . I accidentally, left my wallet at the apartment, and only realised that after I am already here. It is a three hours drive, Nine...", he said, not with embarrassment, but rather matter of fact like. My mouth hung open.

"Are you kidding? Didn't that the first thing you check before you go for a travel? Jooooong...", I almost stumped my feet.

"Ah, maybe that's why I need a manager, sorry, but I'm careless that way", he said, and continued, "I'll pay everything back, don't worry..."

"Joong, I know you could stay here a month without worrying about money. It's not about the payment, but the room. The sponsors covered for the model, but manager room is covered by the company, so I only get the cheapest room from the same hotel that Nong Kim stayed in. He is already paired up with the other male model. I couldn't use the company card for your room, and my cash is just enough for another two days stay".

"I don't mind, we could share room".

"A single bed? Not gonna fit!", I looked at him from top to down, suddenly feeling embarrassed without reason. Damn!.

"Don't worry, all I need is a pillow and a floor to sleep on".

"No, all you need to do, is to drive back to the city. I could lend you some money to fill the tank".

His face looked a bit down. He didn't say he agreed. No, Nine, he was playing a pity trap, it's not your fault this happened.

"Alright...", he finally said, and opened up his palm for the said money. I took my wallet and took out a few pieces of cash, but before I could give that to Joong, Nong Kim ran and called for me, a little breathless.

"P', they wanted to discuss with you on some issue for tomorrow shoot. Said about the change of location or something...".

"Now?", Nong Kim nodded and looked at Joong. " Wow P', managed to find someone while waiting for me?", he said cheekily, making me tapped his arm hard. He laughed and greeted Joong politely, "Sorry P', P'Nine worked too hard that I never seen him with anyone other than coworkers and us under his care. Are you his friend?".

"No, Nong, I am about to be kicked out from here just now before you ran here at the right time", Joong said while smirking at me. Kim laughed and thought it was a joke.

"Stay P', so P'Nine won't be lonely. My shoot took long hours, and he insisted to stay close. If he have you, then I won't feel too guilty. P'Nine, please agree na... ", Nong Kim was making a puppy face, begging me to agree.

"Nine, group talk in a minute, be ready!", the loud call from the leader of the crew caused the answer that I was about to say to be halted. I looked at Joong who still waited, and looked at the wallet in my hand. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, and took a deep breath.

I put the wallet back into my pocket, pulled Nong Kim's hand and walked towards the crews that waited for us.

"Nine, is it an okay, then?", Joong shouted at my back. I ignored him and kept walking.

I didn't know why, but my heavy heart felt a bit lighter, till I needed to bite a smile that unexpectedly blooming on my lips.

If he really wanted to stay, then he shall wait.

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