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"P', are you alright. You looked pale. If you are unwell, I'll call Fah to ride with him to the location", Kim looked at me with concern. I shook my head and gave him a little smile.

"No. Everything is alright. Maybe because I slept a little late last night", I had to lie to Kim, which I didn't like, but I was still feeling a little disoriented with what's happening. Right now, I was pushing my anxiousness back, because of work. At least, Joong, or whoever that is, would already be at the city by the time when the shoot finished.

The whole time, I lost myself in work. I put off the phone, because I didn't want to receive any call to mess with my mind anymore. The shoot at the sunflower farm, went on smoothly. That, concluded the day. We went back to the hotel and after an hour rest, packed up and drove back to the city.

As I arrived home after sending Kim back to his aunt's house, I dropped everything on the floor and laid down on my bed. The time was already almost nine. I was tired and hungry, but the worry cause me to just went directly home to lay down liked this. A hoard of messages came in. The office must be wondering, because it was almost never that I couldn't be reached. Slowly replying to the important messages, I skipped the messages from Joong, at all. There're so many things and also nothingness, running inside my mind.

In the end, I moved to wash up and then cook instant noodles for dinner. Only after that, I had the courage to read Joong's messages. As predicted, he was so confused as to what he did that cause me to be angry and really wanted us to settle whatever miscommunication we had as soon as possible. I sighed heavily, grabbing my hair a little tight in distress. This Joong is innocent. The problem came from me, but how am I to explain that I was with someone that is exactly liked him. Who? How? I had no answer too. If I was hallucinating, then how come everyone else in the team saw, talk and worked with him too? I put my phone away at the side table, decided not to give any reply. Whichever Joong it is, this absurdity cause me to not want to see either one. Leave me alone! That's what my logic was saying right now, but my heart, wrecked with so many questions that searched for answers.

I laid down again and grumbled, let just remember the feeling, and not the mess! After deciding that, I grabbed and hugged my throw pillow, but felt something was missing; yes, it felt too cold; unlike a warm body.  Gosh! This is trouble. Stop thinking about him, Nine!. The feeling of being held tight, was still freshly imprinted on my skin. I pouted unexpectedly. If I forgot the part that he was a stranger, really, it was as if for a small moment, I was secluded from all the worries, and felt how good it is, to have someone, in my life.

I closed my eyes, trying to forget everything and just sleep; which really was useless; because I know, somehow, nothing will be the same again, after this.


I thought I heard a shout through the bathroom door, but the shower muted the exact words. Must be Nine, who came back to take his phone that I saw was left on the dresser, and said goodbye. Yet, the sudden lost of another line of the tattoo, caused me to be alarmed. How fast the counter is!. I counted the remaining line. Eight. But the time limit, unknown.

I went back to the city, using my pay to fill the tank, and still got a little extra to buy some food later. Nine was right. Spending money that was earned through hard work, was so worth it. When I was sent to this earth, everything had already existed, identity, money, home. The only task was to search for the key, imprint and solve the test. I smiled thinking about my key as I drove. I'd been easily smiling these few days. Ah, smiling is only muscles' memory, it is not something you had to think or feel about, yes, maybe that is it.

While resting on my bed after taking a shower, and having some food, I tried to sleep but couldn't, thinking about the fuzzy memories that confused me so much too. I could still remember the feeling of affection and pleasure. If it was just a foolish dream, then why did I feel it to my bone? Instinctively, I felt it was something real. If so, does it mean, that I already have a key? But, when? The only similarity on both occasion, my skin and Nine, touched at some point, yet not all the time it produced that buzz. If I am to tell him, let's do more skinship, just to test my theory, his teasing but also warning words of last night, might come true; that he would readily, kick my front.

Joong and Nine. Are they fated in this earth? In another earth, the original key sequence was taken from earth population, and a body such as I was created. I tried to remember the words from that memory, my key had a mind on his own, yes, that was it. For my hundred years of living, I had yet to see any key be anything aside as a pair to the body; humanlike just as the body, but always, following order without argument.

So, I couldn't confirm that it was an exact memory, as maybe, the reason it existed, because within a short time, I was enchanted and intrigued by this earth's Nine. Maybe because he was so beautiful; both physically and inside too, looking at the way he cared and think of others, more so than his own comfort. It was so contrasting to me, who always done everything based only on what I wanted. As a response to his kind heart, I, in turn, unconsciously, been taking care of him too. And turned out, I kind of liking it; to be able to do that. Somehow, to be sent to this earth, wasn't so bad at all. Well, it really is, if nothing...come in the way. Hunters.

Thinking about Mr. Ta made me gritted my teeth. Days onwards, would post more challenges. Nine would go back to work, and Joong would be in the company. Then, where shall I be? How to be partnered with my key, when Joong and Nine would most probably be together most of the time due to work. There will be chaos, if two of us are seen at the same place, more so, it will break Nine to pieces. No, that's never my intention at all.

Solve the test!. And so, everything will end up good, for everyone. Nine would be here, and I'll go back to Another Earth. Although alone, at least my key has Joong here to be with him. It is brilliant, but, why does my mind feel empty just thinking about that? . Damn it, I started to become more humane, living in this earth.

I shook my head, and closed my eyes, without realising that my key was now, a little afraid, of me.

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