Holiday Special

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A/N: People keep asking for another chapter. I made the last one like two days ago, so take this chapter that technically isn't a chapter and wait for me to finish the actual one. This takes place in the future, by the way.


I wake up to the sound of shouting and people running around. Not to mention positivity. A lot of positivity.

I groan and roll over to my other side. After several moments of more yelling, I finally sigh and open my eye, looking at (Y/N). She's awake, but it looks like she's trying to go back to sleep.

"Morning..." I mumble, placing an arm around her.


"Guess we have to go down before they set the house on fire, huh?"

"Don't wanna..." she says, wrapping one of her wings around me.

"Me neither..." I pull her closer and she nuzzles into me.

We stay there for a while, and I almost manage to fall asleep, when the sound of a crash causes us both to jolt awake. I throw the water bottle (Y/N) had on the bedstand in the direction of the crash before I'd really registered who it was.

"Ow-" Killer...

"You guys! WAKE UP! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS?!" And Cross.

"Yes, we know. No other day would generate this much positivity..." I mumble. "Go on ahead of us and open the presents."

They leave, but we can hear them for a long time afterwards.

"Do we have to get up now?" (Y/N) says.

"I'd rather not... Positivity makes me feel sick, but I'd rather the gang be happy, you know?" She nods in understanding and lays back down, pulling me down with her.

"I want cuddles if I don't get to sleep in."

"You know I'll cuddle you anytime, (Y/N)."

Several hours have passed by the time Cross comes back.


He single-handedly manages to drag us both downstairs somehow, despite our protests and us grabbing onto things to try to get away.

"Why is it that you can hold two people down for a video game, but you can't even do that for 10 seconds in a regular fighting situation?" I ask him as I've decided to give up at this point.

He just shrugs and lets us go as we near his gaming room.

I stand up and brush any dust from my clothes and look over at (Y/N) as she suddenly opens up her feelings to me.

"Let me help," I say, reaching over, trying to use her current negativity from having her feathers ruined to overpower Cross's positivity from getting the present he'd wanted for months. 

It's not working.

"Thank you!"

"Okayokaynowlet'sstartIwannaplay!" Cross is talking so fast, we can barely understand him. 

I don't want to walk into a room full of positivity. But of course, I don't have a choice. I take (Y/N)'s hand and we walk into the room. 

I almost pass out from the amount of positivity, but (Y/N) manages to keep me from falling in what looks like a casual hug as I adjust.

I mumble a thanks before taking a seat on one of the gaming chairs and pull her onto my lap.

"So, what are we playing?" (Y/N) asks, her feelings closed up again.

"This counsel comes with a kart game, and I wanna play it!" Error replies, already holding one of four controllers. The other controllers are held by Cross and Dust. 

A/N: I'm not sure how copyright infringement works exactly, but for these reasons, said kart game and counsel will remain unnamed. But you probably know which game I'm talking about. :>

Cross tosses a controller at me, and I catch it and give it to (Y/N).

"You can play for me. You have played before, right?"

"I used to play when I was little before I got into acting."

"Great." I nuzzle into her neck. 

Cross starts up the game and starts playing around with the settings before they begin choosing characters.

They play a few rounds, although I don't pay too much attention at first. 

"Oh come on! You can't do that!" Dust screams.

"I can and I just did!" Error replies. "(Y/N), I'm catching up to you!"

"Wait, you're in first?" I ask her.

"I pick karts that give me the best handling, that's how I've maintained my place," she says, as she collects a mystery box, gaining a power-up. (This is a certain power-up that targets the person in front of you, but multiplied by three)

She suddenly frowns and starts backing up, allowing Error to pass her.

"Giving up already?" he says.

"Nope!" she fires one of the three projectiles, hitting Error. 

"Oh, I see how it is."

Then before he realizes what's happening, a certain other projectile that is blue hits him. (Y/N) fires the final two of her projectiles as the dust clears and starts driving forward again, as Error screams in rage.

"(Y/N) I sW3aR!"

His response is maniacal laughter.

This is why I want to marry her so bad.

(Words: 806)

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