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"What do you mean they escaped?" I practically scream. "Weren't you watching them?!"

"I was watching them!" Error shouted back. "But then I heard a loud noise from across the hall and crashed. When I'd rebooted, they'd left.

I sigh and flick a tentacle in annoyance. 

"Get out of my sight," I hiss at him. "NOW!" I close my eyes and rub my temple as I listen for a few minutes to his footsteps disappearing. 

"Nightmare, can you come here? We need your help!" It's Horror's voice. He sounds calm, but I can sense his panic.

"What is it?" I say, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.

"So, uh... Someone may or may not have caused a little problem."

"What. Happened."

"The kitchen's on fire," he says, quickly.


I make a run towards the kitchen before the fire gets any worse.

. . .

I'm sitting outside the kitchen. Luckily I managed to put it out before the fire spread, but the kitchen's destroyed beyond repair and they won't tell me who started it. I am in such a bad mood right now. I swear if things get worse, I will kill someone.

"Hey, Nightmare?"

"What?" I snap, turning to face the person. It's Killer. "What do you want?"

"Well, you're in a bad mood, so I thought we could do something to cheer you up?"

"I'm the king of negativity," I reply. "I'm always in a bad mood, and you know that."

"Yeah, well, you're in a worse mode than usual, and it makes sense," Killer says. "Maybe we could... go and get something to eat?" 

I look over to him, trying to figure out what he wants. 

"No, I don't feel like eating something this late," I say, standing up. "I'm going out, don't ask where."


"I said don't," I hiss, then teleport myself out of the castle. 

I stare up at the night sky. I used to do this with (Y/N), she really liked stars. 

Hm... I want to go see her now, but she probably won't be up at this time. It's fine, I just need to go see her right now.

. . .

I'm standing outside her door now. I'm still a little hesitant. If I enter quietly and she wakes up, she'll think I'm a stalker or something. If I enter loudly, I might wake her up. I'm not sure which would be worse...

Screw it.

I open the door and step in, looking around. It's a quaint little house, nice and comfy. I decide to explore a little, trying to be as quiet as possible. 

I take a peek into the living room. It looks like a normal living room. Clean, unlike the one at my castle. That memory makes me scowl, but I quickly shake it off. I see a door that's slightly ajar, so I reach over. 

Please don't creak open.

It creaks open. It creaks open so loud, I want to scream. 

I quickly duck back behind the door out of sight. I wait a few moments. Nothing happens. I peek into the room, it looks like (Y/N)'s bedroom. 

But there's no one here.

Why isn't she here? 

I walk back into the living room, feeling anxious.

It's three am, why isn't she home yet? Did something bad happen?

I almost crash into a closed door in my minor panic attack. I growl slightly and open the door feeling annoyed. 

Looks like I was worried for no reason.

I've walked into what must be (Y/N)'s office. She's fallen asleep on the desk, her wings kind of flopped to the side. She's wearing headphones and her cell phone is laying on the desk next to her. It's still playing a song, which might be why she hasn't heard me yet. I walk closer and it looks like she was reading over a script of sorts. 

I sigh. Just seeing her has improved my mood greatly, but that position she's sleeping in is going to end up hurting her when she wakes up.

I carefully slip her headphones off her head and switch her phone off. Then I lift her up bridal style and carry her to her room. I tuck her in, and am just about to leave when I feel her grab onto my arm.

"Uh... hey, (Y/N), uhm-"

"I don't care why you're here, but can you stay a little longer? Please?" she asks.

"Are you sure? I mean, I-"

"Yes... I don't want another bad dream..."

"Okay, fine. But only for a little while, alright?"

She smiles and nods, still holding my hand. I sigh, and slowly smile back.

"Goodnight," I say.


(Words: 776)

I know it's near Halloween, but I wasn't sure how to incorporate that in here yet, so take something wholesome instead. At least I think it's wholesome. My brain is still in quarantine mode for some reason, but anyway I hoped you enjoyed!

A Second Chance {Nightmare x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now