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Everyone was panicking. So were you. You were smaller than the average person. So to avoid being trampled, you had to fly up out of most people's reach. Now you were just hovering in the air, trying to figure out how to calm down.

You glance around the room, trying to avoid catching sight of the body. It was one of the camera men. You hadn't known him that well, but the blood...

It's a good thing horror movies are my specialty.

As you glance around, you catch a pair of eyelights staring you down. You blink, and they're gone. Now you're curious.

You start heading in that direction. There's less people, so you land and fold your wings in.


"Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean we can't go in?"

"No! I mean, you can't go in!" Ink says to me. "There's too much negativity in there for you to enter!"

I know he's right, but I'm still worried.

"Just... be careful..." I say. Don't let her get hurt, please.

"If it makes you feel better, maybe Ink could keep the window open so you can continue watching," Blue suggests, looking over at the artist.

"Yes, I'd like that, thank you!"

"Alright then! We'll be back soon!" With that, Ink pulls his paintbrush out and splatters some ink onto the floor. Then he and Blue hop through, leaving me alone.

I hope they'll be okay...

You've been wandering around the building for a while and your leg was starting to kill you. Sure, you were used to ignoring pain during a scene, but it was starting to become unbearable.

You suddenly hear footsteps and freeze.

Someone was following you. It would've been better if you had stayed in the studio with everyone else! Why did you let your curiosity get the best of you?

The footsteps are getting closer, and you make an attempt to duck behind something, only to run into someone, and feel something cold press against your throat.

I'm so screwed.

"Hey there..." they whisper. It sounded similar to the voices you'd heard back at Nightmare's castle, but it wasn't one you recognized.

"Killer...?" you guess.


"Hey don't forget about me." Cross?

Said skeleton swings a giant knife from his shoulder and leans on it, staring you down.

"If you don't mind me asking," you say, glancing down at the knife, "what's going on?"

"We've noticed that boss has taken a liking to you, (Y/N)," Cross says.

"So we're here to find out what you have that we don't," Killer whispers. Can this guy speak any louder?

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," you reply.

"You see, normally, the two of us are always fighting over Nightmare, but we've decided to team up to deal with you," Cross explains.

"Now why don't you tell us about yourself? Your real self, actress." The way Killer says 'actress' kind of sounds like an insult somehow.

"What do you mean 'my real self?'"

A Second Chance {Nightmare x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now