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Nightmare hears a crash from the other side of the door, and he has to try very hard to stifle the urge to laugh. He can't sense her emotions, but having that calm, quiet slate to hook on to has put him in a good mood. He hasn't felt this good in a few centuries.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes," (Y/N) says.

Something tells me she's going to take a while.

He realizes that he's been putting off confronting the Star Sanses. Nightmare knows he has to do it at some point. It's fine. I'll do it after dinner.

Nightmare decides to wait outside her room. When the door opens, (Y/N) steps out wearing a simple purple short-sleeved T-shirt and a black skirt that ends just above the knees.

Nightmare figures that she must have had to cut holes into the shirt for her wings, which must have been what took her so long.

If she has to do this every time she gets changed, I'll always have to wait for her every time. It's going to take sooo long.

"Took you long enough," he says.

"I didn't know you were waiting."

"Of course I was waiting! We wouldn't want you to get lost, now, would we?" Nightmare meant to make it sound like a warning, that (Y/N) couldn't get away if she tried unless he let her, but instead she laughs in response.

"You're right!" she says, "knowing myself, that might be exactly what would happen."

At least this means I won't mess up my chances to have her back after so long... at least... if she is the same person.

Nightmare begins leading her through the halls, and he glances at her. She seems tired, which makes sense since it's late. Nightmare had so much work to do, he hadn't eaten yet, and he'd also forgotten that (Y/N) hadn't had anything to eat.

They're silent for a while. After a few minutes, Nightmare decides to say something.

"So what do you do in your free time?" he asks. I might as well as get to know her.

"I like reading. I don't get to do it often though because of my job," she replies, hovering in the air.

"Your job?"

"I'm an actress. I normally act in horror movies, but I have done the occasional romance in the recent years. I'm almost always busy," (Y/N) explains. Nightmare felt a pang of jealousy, even though he knew that any of her relationships in movies were fake.

"You said you like reading, what genre?"

They keep talking as they travel, asking each other about their interests. The more they talk, the more Nightmare realizes that this (Y/N) acts just like his, and adores the same things as she did, as well as being interested in things that didn't exist 500 years ago.

"So there are a lot of people who live here," (Y/N) says suddenly, "Do you have one person who makes dinner all the time, or do you take turns?"

"We take turns," Nightmare answers. "Tonight is Blackberry's turn. You haven't met him or Underfell yet." (And it's totally not cuz I forgot they existed. Thank you to the person who reminded me.)

"Oh okay, just wondering."

Nightmare seems to trust you more now, and you're glad. It makes it a lot easier to talk to him.

It seems he puts up a front when he's around the others because once the two of you are in the dining room, he goes back to ignoring you.

Taking a seat at the table, you tell yourself, That's fine. I don't care.

You wait quietly for your food, and you can feel the eyes of everyone in the room watching you. They look away when you glance at them, but you can tell. You're used to this. It happens to you all the time.

. . .

Apparently, you must have dozed off because you jolt awake when someone pokes you hard in the shoulder.


"I figured you wanted food since you were still here," Nightmare says, gesturing at the bowl of ravioli in front of you. Everyone else is already seated.

"Oh... thanks," you reply, reaching for a fork and taking a bite. It tastes pretty good and you enjoy it in silence.

"Oh, by the way..." Nightmare begins introducing you to Blackberry and Underfell.

After dinner, Nightmare leads you back to your room. He asks you more questions about yourself like he'd done earlier, and you try your best to respond, but you're pretty tired so you don't give your words much thought. This time when you get to bed, you fall asleep almost immediately.

Sorry, it's kinda short. I wanted to make it longer, but I was dealing with writer's block, I think it might be because all I can think about is food, but anyway I knew that I had to give you something. So... I'll give you a longer chapter next time. I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

(Words: 837)

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