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Nightmare stares down at the city below him. He's standing on the roof of an apartment building, watching as all hell is breaking loose. Normally, he wouldn't even consider letting Error do anything - the lunatic keeps destroying the AUs he used for collecting negative energy - but this time he did. Nightmare got bored.

He watches as Error wraps his strings around a girl. She's wearing a white shirt and a black leather jacket over it, paired with blue jeans. Error then wraps her soul in some more strings. Nightmare freezes.

Her soul. Half black, half white. Nightmare can see that much from this far. 

Error is intrigued, while the girl seems kind of confused and scared. Nightmare is just guessing. He can barely sense her emotions.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?"

Nightmare opens his mouth to tell Error to leave her alone, but the strings that were holding her suddenly break apart as someone cuts through them. She lands and stumbles forward, before getting up and running away. 

"Error!" Ink shouts.

"Innnnnnnnnnk!" Error shouts back. Then he notices that Ink is not alone. With him and Dream and Blueberry. 

Nightmare wants to go find that girl, but he knows Dream will find him before that, somehow. Instead, he summons two more of his henchmen. Killer and Cross. They glare at each other.

"Alright, you two," he says. "I want Killer to come with me." Cross opens his mouth to retort, and Killer looks smug. "As for you, Cross, I have a special job for you." 

He explains how he saw a girl with a strange soul and what she looks like.

"I want you to find her and bring her to me... ALIVE," Nightmare says. "I know you'll be able to do this." 

He knows that if he chose Killer, he would scare her to death, or bring her back half dead. Cross is much more gentle than any of his other workers. Nightmare had always considered this a weakness, but maybe now it would be useful.

Cross nods and sets off. Killer scowls at him, then he and Nightmare teleport into view of the Star Sanses.

"Nightmare..." Dream says.

"Hello, brother," he replies. The six of them engage in combat.

You walk through the city, looking for anyone who has gotten left behind during the evacuation. You could have flown, and would have preferred doing so, but then you'd have to reveal who you really are and then you'd be forced to be the first to leave. You'd much rather stay and help.

You weren't the only one who set out, but the group you'd set out with had decided it was better to split up. You didn't agree with that, but they hadn't listened. So now you were alone in a city under attack. 

You suddenly notice a little girl sitting on the front steps of a library, crying. You walk up to her.

"Hey there," you say. "What's wrong?"

"I-I can't find my mommy!" she says, sobbing. "We w-were running, and th-then suddenly... I couldn't see her a-anymore!"

"Don't worry! What's your name?"


"Maia, do you know your mommy's phone number?" She nods and tells you. You pull out your cellphone and dial the number. 

"Hello, who is this?" a woman's voice says. She sounds like she's panicking.

"Hi, so I believe I found your daughter, Maia. She's alright, just slightly distressed," you say.

"You have? Someone found her!" she says, turning to someone else. "Can I please talk to her?" You hand the phone over to Maia.

"Your mommy wants to talk to you." You hand the phone to her. 

She talks to her mother for a while, and then she tells you that her mother says that she wants to meet up, but can't go back into the city. You take the phone back and tell her mother that you'll bring her daughter back safe and sound.

The two of you walk through the city. Suddenly you get the feeling that you're being watched. You turn to look, scanning the city for a painfully long time. Maia starts to shiver.

"Are you alright?" you ask her, pushing that thought out of your mind.

"I-it's cold," she says. 

'Is it? I guess my wings keep me pretty warm...' you think to yourself. 

"Here," you say, slipping your jacket off and wrapping it around her shoulders. "Is that warmer?" She nods, then her eyes widen as she notices your wings. You suppress the urge to sigh and bang your head against a wall.

"Are you (Y/N), the actress?"

"Yes, I am," you say. She looks happy. She starts talking about how you're her role model and all that. You've heard it all before.

"Maia, that's great and all, but your mommy's worried about you!" you say, cutting her off. She nods and after a long and painful (figuratively, not literally) journey, you finally reach Maia's mother.

"Mommy!" she shouts, running up to her mother. She jumps into her mother's arms and the two of them hug. You smile, but don't want to stick around to draw people's attention, so you spread your wings and decide to head home.


Nightmare grabs Dream with one of his tentacles and throws him into the nearest building. Killer is fighting Blue, who's almost dead at this point. Error... Error is having a fight with Ink about their relationship. 

Nightmare can sense all their negative emotions. He can also sense a few positive ones, but the negativity far out-numbers those feelings.

He was also starting to wonder what was taking Cross so long. Then he thought about it. If she was who Nightmare thought she was, then she would be stubborn when it came to meeting new people. Either that, or, Chara was trying to attack her.

Nightmare feels a drop of water land on him. He looks up at the sky. It's started to drizzle. Pretty soon, the drizzling rain becomes buckets of rain falling down on the six of them. 

Regardless, they continue to fight. Nightmare just wants to wait for Cross to come back with her, then they'll leave.

(Words: 1027)

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