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"Hello and welcome back to another episode of The Chelsey Show! Today we are interviewing the main cast of 'Horrors Within!'" the hostess exclaims, gesturing to six people sitting across from her. "It's been about one year since the first episode aired for the first time. In this show, a group of complete strangers manage to transport themselves into a world where all of their deepest and darkest thoughts have become apart of reality. In just one week, we will get the first episode of season 2. Here, we have a sneak peek of what's to come." The screen behind her turns on. 

The main cast are gathered around a table in what looks to be a mansion. They are all of different ages, the oldest looking to be in their thirties, the youngest in their late teens.

"We can't stay here forever, we're running out of supplies," said one of them. He had black hair and striking blue eyes. He looked to be in his mid-twenties.

"There's no way we're leaving this place, Brandon!" replied a woman. She had long, brown hair and green eyes. Brandon opened his mouth to retort, but was interrupted.

"Brittany's right. We're not safe here, let alone out there!" the oldest replied. He had dusty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Well... to be honest, it's only scary because we keep thinking of scary stuff," a teenager said. She had (H/L), (H/C) hair and bright (E/C) eyes. She had wings protruding from her back, each of her wings a different colour. Her right being white as snow and her left, black as night. Folded up, her wingtips reached just below her waist.

"Tamara, now is not the time," the oldest snapped. The teen rolled her eyes at him.

"Now is exactly the time, Hugo!" Brandon exclaimed. "We need to get more food!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry," said the final person. He had brown hair and brown eyes and was in his late twenties.

"You're always hungry, Henry," Tamara said.

"Well, we gotta make a decision!" Brandon said. "Food or safety? What's it going to be?"

"Food!" Henry exclaimed, only to be promptly smacked on the back of the head by one of Tamara's wings. 

"Shut up!" she snapped.

"What's it going to be?" Brandon repeated, steel in his voice.

The scene switches to the main cast in a dark forest, fighting what looks to be demons with blades for hands. 

"Who's imagination came up with these?" Brandon screamed.

"You can't handle my long story so let me cut to the chase, and get straight to the point," Tamara said.


"I'm trying to lighten the mood! Work with me!" 

There are several different more clips, each getting more and more intense before the video ends and the screen turns off. Chelsey turns back to the main cast.

"So tell us... how long have you known each other," she says, simply.

"Well, Marcus and I have been friends since we were kids," the actor for Brandon says, wrapping an arm around the actor for Henry, whose real name is Marcus.

"Yup, but we met Susie and Philip at auditions," Marcus says, gesturing at 'Brittany' and 'Hugo.' 

"By met, he means Kevin ran into me... literally," Susie says.

"Hey!" Brandon's actor exclaims.

"We met (Y/N) at the first shooting for episode 1," Philip says.

"(Y/N), this is unrelated to anything, but your wings look really soft. Can I touch?" Chelsey asks.

"Um... sure..." You reply, nervously as you stretch out your right wing for Chelsey to reach. Her eyes widen as she gasps.

"They are soft!" She reaches back, and you fold your wing back up.

"Anyway, what were your first impressions of each other?"

"Well, as you can guess, Kevin and I didn't really start off on the right foot. I'll be honest, I thought he was incredibly childish. Still is, but not in an annoying way."

"Um... thanks, I think."

"My first impression of (Y/N)," Marcus starts. "Was actually before I met her in person. Being a 'child actress' and all that, I assumed she'd be bossy and annoying and think she was above us all. But then, when I actually met her, she turned out to be really sweet and kind of shy. I didn't expect it."

You blush at the compliment.

"You? Shy?" 

"What can I say? I'm an actor. Pretending to be outgoing it part of the job description."

"That reminds me. You've been acting since you were 6," Chelsey said. "How did you first get into acting?"

"Well, the first time I acted was in a movie my aunt made, where I was an extra. She told me she just felt like she wanted to have her niece in a movie. She refuses to elaborate so that's all I got. But anyway, a few years later, when I was 10, I auditioned for the movie, 'Deathstalker,' and then the snowball just kept going from there."

Chelsey asks the actors a few more questions before wrapping up the show.

You step out into the golden sunshine and look up into the sky. Chelsey is really nice, but, like all interviewers, she and her many questions are overwhelming. 

You adjust your bag on your shoulders, then look around you, to make sure no one was watching, then spread your wings and lift yourself into the sky.

You arrive at your house. A quaint place away from the city and prying eyes, even though it wasn't even that far. The problem was getting here. The forestry around it was beautiful and soothing, but also thick with naturally occurring mazes, which you normally flew over, except when the weather was particularly windy. 

When you moved out of your parents' house a couple of years ago, this place spoke to you for some reason, and you knew this was the place.

Your feet touch the ground and you open the door. You drop your bag onto the table and grab something to eat. As you eat, your mind wanders.

Tomorrow, you had to go buy groceries. You'd probably meet a few people wanting autographs. You weren't in quite the mood for that, so you'd have to find yourself a kind of disguise. Probably one similar to last time.

Next week was a photoshoot and the premiere of season 2. Your agent had hired a designer to make you a dress and a hairdresser to do your hair for both occasions. You had already met them, and they were alright. Your hairdresser, Melissa, was like you. Calm and quiet. You two had a silent agreement to keep it that way. Your designer, Carlos, on the other hand, was peppy and overly energetic. Spending just a few hours with him drained you pretty quickly.

You finish eating and go to bed. It might be early, but if you going to go out tomorrow, you were going to need all the sleep you could get, because you'd probably get back late.

(Words: 1125)

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