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[Chapter 6]

Y/n's pov

Standing in front of my stoic father, I keep my eyes as emotionless as possible. His eyes pierce through mine and he brings up his hand to lightly massage his forehead.

Beside me stands Taehyung and I'm glad that at least I have someone on my side.

The door of the throne room opens and my step-mother enters, Jennie not too far behind her.

Of course.

"Wasn't disturbing my daughters' engagement with your arrival enough for you that you moved onto her husband?" She yells as soon as she spots me.

I scoff at the word 'husband'.

Of course, this dumb witch will side with those absurd rumors.

"Soohoo calm down, we can discuss this–"

"No! I have stayed quiet ever since she came back, I won't stay quiet anymore! Kim Y/n you are a disgrace to this family and always will be, what did you think? We will accept you? Our kingdom will accept you? After what you have done! After you killed your own mother—"

"Enough!" I cut her off my voice not as loud as her but sharp enough to startle those around me.

I glare at her and when she does the same I can't help but let out a sarcastic laugh, "I must say you're quite courageous for raising your voice at a royal like that."

"You blame me for her death? Fine. Be ignorant. I, Kim Y/n, promise to make you suffer the same pain my mother did and I'll make sure you die a slow and agonising death. You commoner wench." My words make her mouth drop and her eyes search my face for any kind of vulnerability or regret.

But I regret nothing. Not even a single word. My father right then angrily shouts at me to stop which I do after scowling at the witch one last time.

"How dare you—" I don't bother to listen to her screeching and storm out of the room, the doors loudly slamming shut behind me.

I inhale deeply, trying to clear my mind. I think about how my mother always warned me about Soohoo; she probably knew all along her true nature. Unsurprisingly, my lovely father never noticed.

"Bad day?"

I turn my head to the left when I hear the familiar voice and spot Jungkook giving me an understanding smile.

I simply nod my head and continue towards the royal garden. He follows me.

"Look, I won't ask you what happened but you need to cool down," he eventually says.

"I can't."

"I figured, so I was thinking why don't we go do painting like we always did?" he suggests with his bunny smile.

Not a bad idea.

"You suck at painting," I state in deadpan.

"Oh come on! I have improved! I can even beat you, you know? My artistic skills aren't bad at all," he defends himself with a huff.

I fight back a smile at that and say, "Let's have a competition then."



"Jennie there is nothing between me and her," Jimin snaps repeating this for the hundredth time.

This pointless and continuous babbling of Jennie was testing the Prince's patience and he was tired of it.

"Yeah, sure!" She snaps back sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Jimin rolls his eyes and continues arranging some documents on his desk; they were currently in Jimin's office and Jennie wasn't ready to leave him alone.

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