Stubborn Much

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[Chapter 7]

Y/n's pov

The voice sounds familiar.

I turn my head towards its direction, the gloominess of the room making it hard for me to make out his face. One thing was for sure; it wasn't a ghost, it was a person. A creepy one.

He stepped forward a bit, making my eyes go wide as soon as I see his face.

Pretty stranger. No, the Crown Prince.

The moonlight peeking out from the old curtains fell on his face. But this time, he doesn't look as approachable, he looks pissed. His eyes are narrowed into slits as he assesses me with a clenched jaw.

"You." his deep voice says.

I frown.

"You, it's all because of you, and now you decide to show up here in front of me," he grumbles making zero sense.

"What's because of me?" I ask my eyebrows furrowing.

"First you step inside my castle out of nowhere, then create problems not only for yourself but for me too."

"Pardon?" I raise an eyebrow at his accusation and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Don't play dumb," he replies.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I let out, annoyance creeping into my voice. 

He glares.

"Next time, don't try to look at someone else's fiancé on their engagement."

My jaw slacks as I stare at this asshole in disbelief. Not because of what happened but because he's blaming me for his mistake.

How dare he!

"Next time, don't try to call out someone's name while standing beside your fiancée," I fire back.

"Excuse you?" He raises an eyebrow and I nearly let out a laugh.

He rolls his eyes at me and a scoff leaves his lips.

What is this guy's deal?

"Are you not aware that you aren't supposed to be here?" He asks or more like states. 

"Of course, I know that, Your Highness. It is not my fault that I still haven't learned my way around this palace. I'm not very good with directions," I reply as calmly as possible. 

"Well, you better learn soon. This should be the last time I see you here or else I won't let you off that easily," he says giving me a blank stare. 

I laugh at his words, "Are you threatening me?" 

"Take it however you like. A warning or a threat. Just stay away from this wing." 

"Don't think I can't protect myself. Your threats don't intimidate me. I have dealt with worse," I inform him regaining my confidence. 

He stays silent for a second.

"Don't ever step back in here, you understand?" He says in a threatening tone.

"Why do you even care about this so much? Besides, what's the big deal? It's just a room."

"Just a room?" Jimin's voice dripped with sarcasm. "This is my sanctuary, a place I retreat to when I need to be alone. It's off-limits for a reason! Why am I even explaining this to you."

"Well, maybe you should lock the door next time," Y/n shot back, her voice dripping with sass. "If it's so important to you, you should've taken better care of it."

Jimin's face turned red with anger, and he took a menacing step closer. "You have no idea what you're messing with," he seethed, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "I have extreme anger issues, and I won't hesitate to unleash my wrath upon you."

Y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes at his threat. "Please, spare me the melodrama," she scoffed. "I've dealt with worse than your so-called anger issues. You're not as intimidating as you think you are."

Jimin's eyes narrowed, and his anger transformed into something more sinister. "You have no idea what I'm capable of," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Leave now, before you find out the hard way."

Y/n smirked, unimpressed by his display. "Fine, I'll leave. But don't think for a second that I'm scared of you," she retorted, her voice filled with defiance. "Your threats don't faze me."

With that, Y/n turned on her heel and made her way towards the exit. As she walked away, she couldn't resist muttering a few choice words under her breath, cursing at Jimin for his arrogance. She knew she had pushed his buttons, but she refused to let him intimidate her.

Jimin watched her leave, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and disbelief. He had never encountered someone so stubborn, someone who could match his coldness with equal fire. Y/n had tested his patience and walked away unscathed, and it left him both intrigued and infuriated.

He still left the door unlocked.

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