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[ Prologue ]

Y/n's POV

8 years ago

"Wow, Y/n that was amazing!" Isuel exclaimed and I gave her a proud grin.

"Thanks! I practiced with mom a lot and I guess it paid off," I replied remembering all the days' mom and I would sit together in this room, playing the piano. "Come on, let's get some snacks I'm hungry."

Isuel immediately agreed and we headed towards my art room where I kept all my hidden snacks mainly for our sleepovers.

Isuel is a noble—daughter of Lady Soomin—who I met on my first day of elementary school. No one tried to approach Taehyung and me since we were royals but Isuel was the first one to talk to us and we took a liking to her soft and cheery personality. We have been friends ever since.

"Y/n-ah! Where are you going?" Taehyung called from across the hallway and we both stopped as he reached us.

"Getting some snacks," I replied and then sharply cut him off as soon as his eyes lit up, "I'm not sharing."

"Oh, c'mon, how rude!" He pouted and I rolled my eyes.

He had his own snacks hidden in his room so I saw no reason to give any of mine to him.

Well, it's not like I would share mine even if he didn't have any.

"Well, I just wanted to tell both of you to be ready by evening, for Jennie's birthday party," he reminded us and we all looked at each other blankly before groaning aloud.

Kim Jennie, firstborn and the heir to the throne of Fennis. Also my stepsister. 

We don't get along very well and it's all because of her mean personality which is a result of her mother's endless pampering and spoiling. In Queen Soohoo's eyes, her daughter is already a queen and Jennie believes that too which is why she has never made any effort to nicely talk to us. Needless to say, I gladly returned the rudeness after trying to be nice a few times. I've lost count of how many fights we've had.

Today, she has finally turned fifteen and of course, the princess needs a magnificent party with all of her snobby middle-school friends in their fancy clothes and a grand cuisine. I don't see the point in going since I don't even like anyone but I have to because she's my stepsister and it would be rude. Dad's words, not mine.

"Yeah, yeah," I said dismissively as I grabbed a flustered Isuel's hand and dragged her to my art room.

"Seriously Isuel!" I made a disgusted face as we entered the room and she snapped out of her dazed state.

"What?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Stop staring at my brother like that, it's gross!" I exclaimed and Isuel's face turned as red as a tomato.

"I wasn't staring!" She weakly protested but I just gave her a blank look and she looked away.

It was no secret that my best friend had a crush on my dear brother, a big fat one at that.

I chose to not tease her any further as I dropped the snacks on the couch and we started munching on them.


I had just finished changing into my royal blue dress which was picked out for me. If wearing a dress wasn't necessary I would have probably shown up in a hoodie and leggings since they are so comfortable.

I can imagine my mom making a face if she heard me right now and lecturing me on how a lady must dress properly.

My too-casual choice of clothes is why mom wanted someone to pick out my dress and dress me as well but I refused to go through with the latter, so we came to a compromise. Now someone can pick a dress for me for a special occasion and I can dress myself. I'd rather die than go through the embarrassment of someone dressing me up and getting much more than a peek at my body.

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