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[ Chapter 3 ]

Y/n's pov

"You must leave at once!" My father's voice rings through the room.

He must be stupid to think he can make me leave, I'm not a helpless kid anymore.

"I'll have you know, father, that I don't need anyone's permission to leave or go. I'm a princess after all," I smirk at him concealing my anger and disgust.

He glares at me but doesn't say anything. I turn to see Soohoo's reaction and oh boy, does she look mad.

The little witch must be furious that I ruined her daughter's special day by showing up.

Oh well, not like I care.

You can imagine my surprise when I learned that Jennie was getting engaged. I guess there really is somebody for everyone. However, I can't help but feel sorry for the guy. Since they traveled all the way to Khastin for her engagement it must be a noble-man.

"Well," Taehyung starts, placing a firm hand on my shoulder, "now that Y/n is finally here she can attend the engagement party with us. I'm sure His Majesty wouldn't mind preparing an extra room for my sister?"

We all turn to the king of Jikolyn who blinks before giving us a bright smile, "Of course not! Any member of the royal family of Fennis is welcomed in my palace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Taehyung politely bows, flashing him his usual charming smile.

I internally smile at my brother. He hasn't changed a bit.

"Well, we must head to bed as well now. Tomorrow's a big day and I think we all could use some rest." Soohoo says standing up stiffly.

Everyone agrees with her and starts to head out. I don't miss Soohoo's deadly glare as she passes me and I simply smirk back at her.

"Impressive." I hear the prince of Jikolyn mumble as he passes by me, it was faint but I was able to catch it.

I furrow my eyebrows and stare at the Prince's retreating, my heart beating at an unusually fast rate.



"So he let you go?" Taehyung asks.

I clear my throat at that and give my brother a sly smile, "No, I escaped."

"So the rumor was true!" He exclaims and I smile at him.

"You don't know how lonely I felt," he says breaking the awkward silence between us.

I look into his eyes and see the pain inside them. Little did he know, I was suffering from the same thing, but I never showed it to anyone.

"You and Isuel were the only people worth missing," I say solemnly.

He smiles and I swear to god his smile can melt anyone's heart.

I continue by saying, "Sadly, I missed dad too."

I missed my dad, not my father, not the man who accused me of a crazy crime and sent me away to years of misery, not the person he became after my mother's death. For him, all I feel is rage and disgust.

"I understand, Y/n," he says giving me a sad smile and pulls me into a hug which I gladly accept.

Just then, Isuel marches into the room holding a bunch of snacks in her arms.

I guess she didn't change at all either.

"Let's talk shall we?" She smirks.


"I missed you so much!"

"Me too."

"I thought this was supposed to be a girls' night," Isuel says pointedly looking at Taehyung.

He lets out a dramatic gasp at that and says, "Doesn't matter, I'm her brother there is no need to hide anything."

"There is a lot you still don't know about me, Taehyung," I say seriously and burst into laughter when he chokes on his chips.

"I'd prefer it if you kept those kinds of secrets to yourself, Chubs."

I give him a deadly glare and threaten, "Don't you dare call me that again!"

"What? My little Chubs?" he smirks and pinches my cheeks as I scowl at him.

"Taehyung!" I warn.

"My little Chubs!" he sings back.

"Taehyung!" I ball my hands into fists.

" Chubs!"


"Guys! Stop it!" Isuel cuts me off by shouting.

But like always her attempt at breaking off our argument was useless and we continue our banter like little kids.

Third person's POV

"Chubs?" Jimin chuckles as he hears them shouting.

He shakes his head at how loud they are even after their door is closed and their room is at the end of the hallway.

"I guess this place won't be as quiet as it was anymore," he says to himself and shakes his head at the three friends who have been talking non-stop.


He turns towards the voice and sees his step-mother standing in front of him.

She gives him a hard stare before asking, "Are you not going to do any preparations for your engagement?"

He rolls his eyes at her and says, " I wonder why that bothers you so much?"

"Jimin you're my son so of course it-"

"Don't start with your excuses again," Jimin sharply cuts her off and she sighs aloud before walking away.

"Y/n, you'll be coming to the engagement right?"

He hears Isuel asks and he frowns at Y/n's reply.


"Why?! If you don't come we'll be bored to death!"

"Yeah, it won't be fun at all."

"Please, as if I would ever attend Jennie's engagement!"

She lets out a sarcastic laugh.

"Don't come for Jennie or anyone else, come for us, please!"

"Come on Y/n!"

There was a long pause before he heard her saying,

"Okay fine."


Y/n's POV

"I am bored" Taehyung says as he pinches my arm playfully.

" Ouch, that hurts!" I jerk my arm away from his attacking hand.

"Sorry Chubs, but I'm bored," he repeats and I give him an irritated look.

"I'm bored too. How about you give me a tour of this place?" I ask.

He scoffs, "This place is as boring as Jennie."

I let out a laugh and so does Isuel. 

She turns her head towards me and whispers, " Why don't you come with me? I can show you many interesting things around here."

"What was that?" Taehyung raises his head towards us as he didn't quite hear what she said.


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