Part 41

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So I went to Honor's wedding and it was great, I mean the ceremony was great. However when we were getting ready Rory joined us and I think she found somethings about Thanksgiving out she didn't want to know. Turns out Ryan slept with all of Honor's friends at Thanksgiving. I don't think she even left the dressing room, I didn't see her the whole ceremony.

Right now however me and Logan are on our way home and I say, "Ryan messed up and Rory is so mad." He smirks, "so where's my money?" I laugh, "no way, not until morning because she'll forgive him, trust me I'll ring her I know my sister." He shakes his head, "I don't believe you, what did he do anyway?" I sigh, "slept with or messed around with all of Honor's friends at Thanksgiving." He winces, "he's done for, nope there is no way she forgives him."

So don't get me wrong I feel bad for my sister and that was one of the main reasons I called the next morning, but the other was to prove Logan wrong and to get my money, "hey sissy, how are you? Did you talk to Ryan?" She sighs, "yeah, I left and went to Paris' then he came and we made up." "How mad at him are you right now?" I hear her sigh, "I want to forgive him, I know to him it wasn't cheating, I just can't help it you know." "I know, we're Gilmore Girls that makes us stubborn." "Yeah, well I've got to go Ryan's waking up. We'll talk later." I hang up and Logan asks, "so?" I stick my hand out, "money please." He sighs and takes out his wallet, "how much was it?"

I decided to come back to Stars Hollow for a few days and Noah said he wanted to join me. The first day back my grandparents came round so we had to have dinner with them, then us girls hit a movie that mom liked to complain about. Today however is a me and Noah day, I get ready and hear a knock and run down knowing who it is. (Outfit above.) I hook arms with him and we walk into town, "so happy feet what should we do." We walk in the direction of the Taylor's Soda Shoppe and he opens the door for me, "I was think we could annoy Taylor first." I smirk, "sounds like a plan."

We walk in and Noah says, "You go to the counter I've got the candy." I nod, "You got it boss man." I send him a wink before walking to the counter where Taylor was, "oh Christina, our town celerity. Welcome back, I thought you would be at Yale working hard." I shrug, "took a couple of days off to come home. Yesterday I spent with my mom and sister today with Noah." I point to him and he waves, "well what can I get you two?" I look at the list and say, "can I get three scoops, one chocolate chocolate, then the other two can be hot fudge and toffee. Then can I have--" Taylor cuts me off by saying, "Noah! Please don't touch the candy." He raises his hands in surrender, "sorry, won't happen again." I see his smirk and the Taylor says, "continue." I nod, "okay, I also want sprinkles and chocolate sauce on that."

Taylor nods and hands the order to someone behind me and then says, "and for the trouble maker over there." I look again and say, "just two scoops of vanilla and strawberry sauce." He gives me a overly forced smile and says, "that will be another two minutes, and remember to have a Taylor Tipping good day." I nod, "sure Taylor." When I go back to Noah he smirks, "wait for the ice cream first." I nod and when it comes on our way out after we pay I knock over a barrel of sweets and we run out of the shop with Taylor yelling after us. I laugh, "I love annoying Taylor he makes it too easy, we barely did anything and he is going to be mad for days." After eating the ice cream we went to the music shop and looked at all the cool stuff before going to see a movie.

When I got home from my two days away Logan gave me a kiss, "I missed you too much." I smirk, "really? Is that so? I don't think that kiss showed me how much." He leaned in again and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

A/N: I haven't updated in a few days and for that I'm sorry. I hope you liked this part and fell free to comment ideas to annoy Taylor with in the future. Feel free to comment other ideas you want to see. Also I am in need of recommendations of a good Gilmore Girls book, I am open to anything.

Xoxo Maddie.

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