Part 38

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So Grandma and Grandpa found out about dad paying for Yale for Rory. That then lead to Friday night dinner. Let's just say it was interesting to say the least, we yelled at each other, we laughed and then we yelled some more. By the end of the night I think it was safe to say Friday night dinners are back to being a thing.

Right now however I am on a date with Logan, he took me to this magical private China garden, "Logan this is beautiful, even now you keep finding new better places to take me out to." He smirks, "what can I say, I'm not all looks." We sit down on the blanket he had laid out and he pops the bottle of champagne, "who says you even have the looks." He gasps, "you wound me, how about you join me in a glass to help heal me." I smile, "sure why not." He hands me a glass and says, "look in the basket." I open it and smile, "chocolate covered strawberries, you really do the way to a girls heart."

By the time I look up he has a box in his hand, "Christina, I love you and--" I cut him off, "are you proposing to me right now, because I thought we agreed to wait at least until I graduate." He laughs, "am I on one knee? No, Queenie open the box will you." I open it to see a key, "it's a key, what did you buy me a car?" He shakes his head, "no, because I know if I did you would say no and then whack me round the head for trying to give it to you." I smirk, "good to know you know me so well, continue." He beams at me, "Chris, will you move in with me." I kiss him, "yes, God yes I will."

So I guess you could call that a great night for me, when I got home the next morning however it went a little like, "Chris you can't leave me. I was so lonely when you left me last time, how will I pay the rent without you." I shrug, "every collage kid is looking for a place to stay." She pouts, "I don't want to live with some other strange Yale kid, I want to live with my strange Yale kid." I laugh, "well as nice as that is, nothing will change, I will still be round all the time and you'll be sick of me. Also who said a stranger had to move in, pick someone from the brigade, what about that nice girl. What was her name, oh I know Sofia!" Rachel shrugs, "I guess I could."

Just then I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Logan, "hey, you all packed up in boxes." I nod, "yeah, over there." He gives me a kiss and says, "I'll tell the guys to get a move on." When he comes back Colin, Finn, Noah and Ryan are all with him. As they walk in I see Rachel glaring at Logan and say, "Rachel, stop that. Stand the hell down." She rolls her eyes, "he's making you leave, and got my boyfriend to help make me lonely."

Just then Colin walks past and kisses her temple, "you will never be alone, because I will always be around to annoy you." As he starts to leave she yells, "don't I know it! Now on a real note, if I am not maid of honor at your wedding after this I will kill you. Got it?" I give her a salute and a hug, "yes now come on, you need to see my new pad." She laughs and her and Logan say at the same time, "never say that again." Rachel smirks and says, "I'm still mad at you Logan." Then she struts off downstairs.

Logan opens the door to our new place and all I see is four boxes with Logan's name on them and an empty two floor apartment. "Logan! Where is all the furniture!" He gulps, "about that... I didn't want to buy anything incase you said no or incase you didn't like it." I huff, "you are joking. Why couldn't we just move into your place." He laughs, "have you seen my place, it would be way too small for the two of us." I take a deep breath to calm myself down, "all of you but Logan leave. Now!" They all so hurry off back to the moving van. "Look in my defence--" I hush him, "no you do not talk. We are getting in my car and going shopping. Now!" He nods, "lead the way."

So we spent the whole day looking and buying furniture, not what I wanted to do but there I was having to. In the end we finished and I called Luke and mom, and our friends round. We spent the evening and night setting up the place and when we were done we sat at the table having Chinese. (apartment above.) Mom says, "this place and stuff must of cost a lot. Did you pay for it all Logan?" I groan, "mom! Please!" Mom shrugs, "I was only asking, I mean top floor and two floors wow and I thought your last place was good for students." Logan clears his throat, "I payed for it, however this one still insists on helping with her wages from her café job."

I nod, "you know I don't take big gifts like this well." Finn laughs, "I know, do you remember when Logan offered to buy you a car one year. I think he may still have the bump on his head." We laughed and mom then says, "I just wanted to make sure she wasn't relying on you too much." Luke shakes his head, "well I like it here. Better then one of my first places." I smile, "thanks Luke." We soon all finish and I clean up the plates and Logan says, "are you sure Luke knew what he was doing with the plumbing and electrics." I nod, "oh yeah, he's been fixing our house up for years." He smiles, "good, I should ask him to try and teach me." I smile, "that would be nice, he could get to know you better then." He kisses my temple, "yeah, come on everyone leaving now, we should say bye."

A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked this part and her moving in with Logan. I thought the way he asked was cute. Tell me what you think of the apartment and what you want to see happen next in this book. As you guys know I am always open up to ideas because sometimes I run out of them.

Xoxo Maddie.

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