Part 42

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I had finished my last class for the day and went to get some coffee. (Outfit above.) When I was getting it I saw a not so happy looking Logan, "Charming, what's wrong." He looks up from his folder, "Oh, hey Queenie. It's nothing." I shake my head, "you make me express my feelings you should be able to do the same with me." He sighs, "I was writing a piece of the new paper and I had two more days till my deadline and I was going to get more quotes, however your sister wrote and submitted a piece on the same topic and said it was because of my past performance. She did the same with Ryan." I sigh, "I'll sort it, is she still in the newsroom?" He nods I give him a kiss before running off to the newsroom.

I walk in and go up to her desk, "Rory we need to talk." She sighs, "I can't right now, I am so busy right now." I shake my head, "I don't care. You wrote a piece on the same topic as my boyfriend that he worked really hard on, because you're still mad at yours." She looks up from her computer, "how dare you, I did that because his record isn't exactually the most reliable it must runs in the family." I lean forward and look her right in the eyes, "he worked his ass off, and just because your boyfriend wasn't loyal mine shouldn't be punished for sharing his last name. So back off before I make you, got it sweetie. You may my sister but he's been there for me more then both you and mom." I then stand up straight and send her one last smile before flipping my hair and strutting out.

When I walk back outside I see Logan sitting on the bench and he hands me the coffee I was waiting for, "what did you do?" I smirk, "I just went full on Christina on her ass." Logan laughs, "as much as a appreciate that, you didn't have to." I shake my head, "no I did, she is punishing you because of personal issues that don't even concern you. That is not only unprofessional but completely unfair. If she wants to make in the real world she should learn to keep all personal negative feelings at home. She's your boss not high school nemesis." He sighs, "fine, come on let me take you to lunch to thank you." I shake my head, "no can do, I have a meeting with a website designer and restate agent. I thought even though I'm still in collage it couldn't hurt to start my future in the real world." He give me a kiss, "well call me after we can get dinner or something." I smile, "sounds good, I love you." He smiles, "I love you too, knock 'em dead." I smirk, "you know I will."

I had just met up with the website designer and after I told him what I needed he said he would get back to me with a prototype by next week. Now I am sat in a office with some serious looking man in a restate office, "Miss Gilmore I hope you understand that you are only twenty one and it would seem very unrealistic to buy a shop without a following that would shop their, maybe you should hold off. Get an internship." I scoff, "I already had one with Michael Kors and he saw that I had what it takes. Not to mention I have a following from the article about me. I also know it is unrealistic to buy a shop right away. I want an office so I have a place of business people to call when they order my clothes online. I'm having the website built. Now please, you have my price range give me my options. I have plans."

After hours of being with that patronising man I felt like I was going to explode. In the end I decided to stop looking for the day, and call Logan for a night in. When I do call him however he says, "Queenie, just the person I was waiting for a call from! I am with the boys and Rachel. We're hanging at Ryan's come and join us." I hear Rachel shout in the background, "please do Tina, I feel like I might go brain dead if I am stuck with these idiots alone much long!" Then hear Colin say, "hey!" I laugh at their antics, "I will be right over this sound like just what I need."

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