Part 29

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Unlike my sister and mom I had planned to spend my birthday with Noah and have the biggest party in the world. I have been planning this party since I was six years old, I mean typically it has changed a lot since then. I have had a mood board for my outfit and my ideal guest list. However ever since a week before my birthday my journal with it all in has disappeared. No one even knows about it except for Noah and told me he hasn't touched it.

It was mine and Rory's birthday, grandma is throwing Rory a party and when she offered to add my name to the invite I said no. Ever since that phone call with them both about my article I hadn't spoken to them. Now here I am ringing their doorbell with Logan next to me. (Outfit above.)The door opens and I see grandma, "Christina, how nice to see you, and you as well Logan." I give her a small smile, "good to see you too grandma. Where's grandpa?" We walk in and she says, "in his study, maybe you could get him out. Have a Rory and enjoy the party." She hands us some pink drink and leaves us.

When she was gone I sigh, "I should check on grandpa, before grandma explodes all over him." Logan nods, "sounds good, I see Ryan I'll see you after." I nod and give him a kiss, "yes you will, now go and talk to him." He leaves and I knock on the study door, "grandpa? It's me Christina. Can I come in?" I hear him say, "come in," and I open the door. When I go in I see him with a drink in his hand on his armchair and I sit next to him, "what's wrong, it's a party I thought you had to be happy at these things." He sighs, "it's Rory, she's not ever going back to Yale. Did you know that? I messed that up big time. She's in the DAR, and she was having sex in that sex house I payed for. I mean, I would understand this from your mother or you, but from Rory."

I stand up and shake my head, "what do you mean you would expect this from me? I know I'm not the most perfect twin in the world, but I have never committed a crime, I have never given up on my goals, and I have never dropped out of school. So I get that most of the time I'm not the perfect twin, but right now I am and you and everyone else have their heads so far up Rory's ass to even realise and congratulate my achievements. I'm sorry you're sad, and that your plan to have a perfect family didn't work out for you grandpa, but this family has always been far form anything close to perfect. No family is, so either be grateful for what you do have or spend the rest of your life alone and miserable. I am sick of being labelled the lesser twin. Now if you will excuse me I have a party to try and enjoy before my own tomorrow." He just sits in shock as I walk out.

I was now outside with Logan and down what is left of my Rory, "this party blows. Do you think anyone would notice if we left before cake?" He just laughs and shakes his head when Lane and Zack come over, "Chris! I haven't seen you in forever." I give her a hug, "same here, hey Zack. This is my boyfriend Logan." Lane then asks, "I heard about the ring from your mom, can I see it." I show my hand and Zack nods, "cool ring." Lane nods, "it's amazing, and that with the necklace, you Logan have very good taste." Logan smiles, "thanks."

I then ran into Luke and mom, "hey you guys, so you ran into the birthday girl yet." Mom nods, "we ran into her with Paris. Now if you'll excuse me I need a drink that is not pink." I laugh as she leaves and Luke then says, "I brought your gift. I gave Rory a little something it was my mothers and so was this." He hands me a box and I open it and gasp, "Luke it's beautiful." (Gift above.)Luke nods and says, "it was my mother, every Dane women married or biological has had it. I gave Rory another one of my mother's but this one is much more special to me. Chris you're like a daughter to me and no matter what that will never change." I give him a hug, "I feel the same way Luke. Can you put it on me now?" I hand it to give and turn around as he puts it on, "you look amazing."

After that he went to get a drink and I met back up with Logan and he asks, "where did the necklace come from?" I smile as I look at it, "Luke got me it. It's a family heirloom of his he wanted to give me." He puts an arm around me, "that's great Queeny. So cakes soon, we can leave after if you want." I smile, "sounds good to me." Just then the cake comes out and I see mom standing alone and we go over to her, "hey mom, you going?" She nods as Luke comes over with the coats, "yeah, I'll see you later missy, behave at that party of yours." I laugh and give her a hug, "I will I promise."

After that they left we stayed till the end out of politeness, and because every time we went to leave grandma came over and forced into conversations with other people. Everything was now being packed away and Logan is waiting in the car for me. I walk over to Rory, "great party Rory." She smiles, "thanks, you know it could have been your party as well." I shrug, "it's fine, I have other plans I think. To be honest I have no idea Logan just told me he was planning something tomorrow." She nods, "yeah I thought he might. I guess I wasn't invited." I roll my eyes, "really? Rory, the reason you were most likely not invited is because you suck the air out of the room. Tomorrows about me and the reason I didn't share tonight with you is because it would have made no difference." She sighs, "I don't want to get into a fight with you right now."

I nod, "you never do, and the reason for that is because you hate to be told the truth. Trust me when you maybe one day leave the DAR and this house you're gonna realise something and it is going to shock you." She asks, "and what's that?" I scoff, "the world doesn't revolve around you sweetie. Tell grandma and grandpa I said bye." I give her a big fake smile before leaving the Gilmore house.

A/N: So tonight is the night Chris' relationships with Rory and her grandparents start to be on the rocks. I hope you liked it and the fact that Luke gave her the necklace. I thought to was cute and a way to show their bond. Please do comment what you think.

Xoxo Maddie.

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