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I left the Obasi to this morning in search for some herbs. The dyed yarn for our special Turkish rugs has been fading, with no reason why. I like being alone as I can get some thinking in, so I sheathe my hançer take a basket and go.

Behind the tribe is a plain crowded with weeds. I look around for juicy çiçekler that I coud possibly extract dyes from. Up ahead are some big rocks. I look over at them as my heart fills with sadness. I giggle as I run past the field , my mind set on hiding away from the tribe. I always got found first, but I was going to absolutely beat Yusuf this time. I see some big rocks, bigger than Baba, and I run in between them. Burak finished counting, "altmış!" and starts looking around. "Zeynep, Yusuf, where are you?"

I sigh and feel tears coming to my eyes. Burak was martyred by Alinçak scum a long while back. He was way older than me and Yusuf, who was about 5, but he still had the time to play. Too many lives have been sacrificed for the cause of Ertugrul Ghazi, I think, but they died a better death than anyone, they died as a shaheed.

I get up from the rock I was sitting on and get to work. Gunduz Bey recently got a good deal from one of the Greeks in the new Port Bazaar. 120 rugs in exchange for 300 gold. I hear a twig snap and freeze in my tracks. I look up to see Balgay's second in commander slowly walk up. "Mongol scum..." I mutter and unsheathe my dagger.

"Dur," Kongar raises his hand up at me, ever so slightly, "this isn't what it seems." I roll my eyes. As if the great commander of a mongol commander comes to the Kayi Ttibe not to kill. But the way he says it brings hesitation to my eyes. I push it aside.

"Why should I stop? Huh, so you can kill me faster eh. Why should I take pity on you, when you were the one to raid my tribe and kill my cousin Boğaç Abi?" I wasn't even that close to Boğaç but it still hurt. How many lives to the mongols have to take from us? I almost feel a tear dripping as I think of Burak again. However, I am not going to show this mongol fear.

"Listen....please," I can see the pleading in his icy blue eyes. It makes me stop for a moment. I stand straight and sheathe my hançer. "I know what I did then was wrong. I felt it. And if what someone told me is right, I was brainwashed to do it." Ugh, he is being so kind, making me want to help him. But I know better, Mongolians like to trick and deceive. "So you're saying you are a mankurt?" He flinches at the word.

"Do me a favor, please," Kongar says with his pleading eyes, "bring me Konur Alp, you know him right?" I almost blush when he says the name of Konur. He looks at me, his blue eyes begging for forgiveness, but I don't buy it. "You want me to bring him here because you want a double kill, huh. If you want to fight, come here and fight like a man!" I unsheathe my dagger again about to move forward to him. "If I wanted to kill you, you would've already been dead." He smirks. I stand up straight "We don't fear death, EvelAllah!" But I still turn around, and go looking for Konur.

What does this guy want with brave alp Konur? Or is Konur a traitor? I push that thought out of my mind. Konur Alp has been here since I can remember. Why would mongols place a 13 year old boy to spy on Osman? But those crazy mongols would do something stupid like that. As I'm thinking I bump into someone. "Sor-," I look up, and I'm staring into pale blue eyes. One has a scar going right through it. A sense of familiarity reaches me. He..he has the same eyes as Commander Kongar.

"It's ok, Hatun." He says, breaking me out of my trance. He starts to leave, and I remember why I came here. "Konur Alp, dur." He turns around and starts to listen as I tell him my encounter with Komutan Kongar. He runs into his tent and comes back with a old document. "Eyvallah!" He tells me and runs off.

Hello guys! I'm sorry for the late update. I was kinda having a writers slump and it's also the beginning of a story so I didn't really know the plot. This chapter is like wayyy longer than the last two but...it is just an important part of the story. I didn't think I would get any views anyways so thanks ❤️

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