Devlet Savaşlari

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"We have arrived, Zeynep Baçı." I look around but see no cave or tent or campsite. I turn 360 degrees but only see wildlife around me. "The nature is beautiful, Sübhanallah, lakin, where is 'here'" the man, whose name was Amir, laughed. He ducked behind a tree and lifted the vines covering it. "Gel" I came and was surprised to see a gap, big enough to fit a human, in between rocks.

The cave was huge. There was the main entrance, which was dimly lit by torches, leading to a hall. Amir leads me to the hall and I see an even bigger room, with sheepskin pillows forming a circle. There were small paths leading out from the room, which lead to other rooms. "Is this a man made?" I ask, but am surprised by the answer. Apparently, the cave was already formed like this, but they expanded it slightly when the State Warriors expanded.

"Look at this." Amir shows me the back entrance to the cave, which leads to a valley, completely hidden by wandering people. The valley was filled with people, shooting arrows, fighting, and there was even a blacksmith. "In this group, we find your greatest abilities and use it to our states good benefits." I laugh and tell him that I'm just an average kadın. No hobbies, no abilities, nothing. I just do what I'm supposed to do in the tribe.

"Zeynep, everyone has an ability, you just don't know where it is. we are going to help you find your ability deep within yourself." Amir goes on to explain that his father Aziz worked under Sultan Alaeddin. To everyone else, his father just seem like a normal soldier. But when he got home was when the hobby came out. He loved cooking. He would cook all the meals for Amir since Amir's mother passed away. I give him my condolences and we walk back inside.

"You will now meet the leader of Devlet Savaşları" he led me into the room and introduced me to Kılıç Arslan.

Yes, it was THE Kılıç Arslan. The one who was supposedly killed in front of Ertugrul Bey. Sultan Alaeddin's son.

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