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"You're that boy!" I exclaim just as Konur says "You're that girl!" I laugh. He sits beside across from me with a gleam in his eyes. "You helped me realize, that day, that people have it way worse than me, and they suffer from more than I suffer from. You made me realize how thankful I should be, that Burak became a martyr. Alhamdullilah." I give him a shy smile, and he smiles back.


I make my ablution for Ishaa' with a smile on my face. I can't stop thinking about my conversation with Konur a little while ago and my conversation with him many years ago. He told me about Goktug a long time ago, so I don't have to pretend not to know. Whatever friendship has become between us, has to stay. I can't risk my nosy-ness to embarrass me.

I finish my witr, and raise my hands up for dua. "Ya Allah, you are the giver and the taker. If taking my younger kardeş is what is good for me, take him. You know best my Allah. Cure him and grant mercy upon me. Ameen."

As I get into bed, I give Konur one last thought. What was he doing with Balgay's commander. I don't want to invade with Osman Bey and his alps' duties but does Osman Bey even know that those two met.

Their eyes. They were the same icy glass eyes, blue in color, and totally mesmerizing. Kongar's showed anger and pain, while Konur's showed a soft, kind gentle warmth. There was definitely something off about that. Why would two enemies of different origins look alike? Their hair too. Both were dirty blondes. Kongar was tall for his mongol origin, and I was starting to think of him as a mankurt.

I close my eyes at the picture of Konur in my head. The way he looked at me. I looked up from my pain and my sorrow, and I saw a man, a light to my darkness. Thank you Konur Alp, I think, for giving me hope.

Hey 👋!
I'm sorry if this is another short chapter, but writing a story is pretty hard. I have all the ideas, up here, in my brain. The problem is, how to write it down. Anyway, I came up with such a good new story idea, and I think I might make a new kurulus fanfic. I'll try to upload a chapter of each everyday, but my break is halfway over, and I'm gonna be dumped with work. Watch out for "An Incomplete Family" my new story will come soon!

Thanks for all your support by reading my fanfic written horribly. 🥰

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