A Forgotten Memory

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I clutch Burak's Alp hat in my hands, my grip tightening around it. I take a deep breath and inhale the scent of my beloved Agabey. However, all I can smell is the blood from where Alinçak killed him.

My tears seep into the fur which one day on my brother's head. The only person who helped me get through Burak's death was Yusuf. Allah forbid if anything happens to him.

I look up to the sky with my tearing hazelnut eyes. The sky was pink, with a bit of purple and orange. The same color it had been when my Abi passed away. It was getting late, past Maghrib. I make dua to Allah, "Ya Raabi, please cure Yusuf from his wounds, as you are As-Shaafi, the healer. You are the one who gives and takes my Allah. But don't take away my Yusuf like you have done to my Burak. Please, Allah'm have mercy."

I look back down at my brother's hat, and wipe my eyes. This isn't the time to cry. It's time to take INTIKAM! Suddenly a voice interrupts me, "Selam Aleykum." I look up, surprised. "Ve Aleykum Selam, Konur Bey."

"I thought I would find you here, er- Hatun." I almost squealed knowing he was looking for me. "Zeynep, my name is Zeynep." I respond, trying to sound as cool as possible. "Ah, Zeynep, it's a pleasure to meet you." Konur's eyes shine bright at the sound of my name. I'm about to laugh, his face looks so pure.

He looks down at the hat I'm clutching and his brow furrows. "Belongs to my Abi, may Allah grant him peace." His face relaxes, and then looks sorry for me. "Ameen. Did this happen recently?" I explain to him about the stupid Alinçak and what he did to Burak. A sudden recognition dawns on Konur's face. "So you are Burak Kardeş's sister."

At first I have no idea what he is talking about. I guess he knew Burak, but I didn't know he knew me. Then, I remember. It was a small talk, but it meant a lot.

Zeynep was so sad to lose her older Abi when she was so small. She hoped for many more years of fun with both her brothers, but Allah took one away. Even tho she knew it was for the best, as Allah had done it, the passing of Burak made tears flood from her face.

She was so small. Zeynep slid under the rails of the bridge and sat on the edge, above the water. She watched as tears dripped from her face and plunged into the river. Zeynep didn't even see a boy come sit beside her. Konur turned to her and said, "Are you mourning for my arkadaş Burak?" She replied to him that she was, as she is- was his younger sister.

"You probably don't know what it is like to lose a brother." Zeynep tells him, "It's the worst feeling in the world." Konur's eyes suddenly filled with a sadness, a sadness he had kept to himself, as he didn't feel ready to bring it up yet.

"Believe me, I know." He then explains to her about his younger brother Goktug, and how he doesn't know what happened to him, or even if he is still alive. "I know it isn't confirming the death of my brother, and you probably are in more pain, but I know. I know what it is like to lose a brother."

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